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screwed with my ipad2


iPF Noob
Feb 26, 2012
Reaction score
screwed with my ipad2 [FIXED]

Hey guys,

I recently started having problems with my ipad 2 3G sim where it kept saying no sim and so I took it to the apple store and they said they would replace the device maybe after checking if a new sim worked. The new sim didnt work and I brought the old ipad 2 home so restore my jailbreak before I give it to apple to replace it. I was on version 4.3.3 and I connected it to itunes, synced the device and hit restore.... and I got error 1013 :eek:

I am reallyyy new to this and I did a lot of research and everywhere it just talks about fixing a downgrade problem for ipad and getting 1013 error using tiny umbrealla using SHSH blobs but I dont have any SHSH blobs saved for my previous versions. My problem is not even about downgrading, I was just on 4.3.3 and want to get rid of my jailbreak and upgrade to the lastest 5 OS. Can someone help me in simple terms here :( I am good at following steps

All help is appretiated :) thanks
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Hi iPad2noob...I am going to move this thread to the right section so you get better attention.

I will move it to the iPad Hacking section.
completely power down the iPad (Hold sleep/wake button until it asks to slide to power off, then slide to power off)

On you computer Open iTunes

At the same time, press and hold the home button and plug the USB cable into the computer.

iTunes should then say it has detected an iPad in recovery mode.

Restore the iPad while its in recovery mode.
thanks mickey330 I was already following that tutorial and I got error 1600
is this a common error and do you guys know how to fix this? :( I been on this for hours now
Before you attempted the restore, did you put the iPad into DFU mode? Cause that's usually how you get that error... I've noticed also that, especially on older iOS versions, that it's best to be in DFU mode before attempting a restore.

For [another] tutorial, please see this on how to put the iPad in DFU mode: http://www.ipadforums.net/showthread.php?t=27489

So, put it into DFU mode (with the iPad connected to your computer BUT with iTunes not running). Once it's in DFU mode, if iTunes doesn't auto open, open it and then select the restore button.

Give that a shot? Again, let us know how you get on.

yeah I had it in DFU mode already when I tried it and got the error, but I followed the exact steps of opening itunes after and I still get error 1600 when I do it with shift+click and selecting custom ipsw.... if I press the normal restore button with DFU mode, I get error 3194

Im totally stuck :(
Hmmm. That 3194 error usually means that your hosts file is pointing at Cydia and not Apple. Did you do step two in the "Failsafe..." tutorial? As in, did the newest Tiny Umbrella run correctly and you were able to make the changes to it? I'm asking because I'm stumped. Usually, if someone follows that Failsafe tutorial exactly, it works...

Try NOT using a custom IPSW in your Failsafe step #3. Just get a new, Apple-approved IPSW and don't use one you may have "laying around." It may be that the custom firmware is messing it up somehow.

Just to re-iterate what Marilyn said, make sure you follow every step exactly. They are all important.
You must have latest iTunes. You must use TU to fix your hosts. You must use DFU. And you definitely must NOT be using a custom firmware.
Also make sure you disable all anti-virus and firewalls temporarily until the process is done.
I wouldn't bother shift-clicking a software version. Just hit "restore" if you are taking it to the Apple store. The ipad will be updated to 5.0.1.

Thanks a lot guys for your help, this forum has some awesome articles on helping you solve your iPad problems. I tried following the article you recommended on my work Mac and it worked :D no idea why it didnt work at home on my windows, maybe my hosts file was moved to another location or something, anyways im on iOS 5 and my sim problem went away so no need to replace the iPad anymore :thumbs: apparently the bell towers were updated so their sims dont work on the old versions of iPad, could have never guessed.

Thanks once again for your help guys :D
Ipad2noob---so happy that you were able to get things sorted with your iPad! We are very fortunate here to have many of our members and Super Moderators strong in this subject! I knew that they would all be able to help you out!

Best wishes for the future iPad! :)

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