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Error 1013 Restoring to 4.3.3 Help Please.


Can't help to wonder on what are the things that you can do to "mess up the JB"? Is this the only reason we might need to downgrade?

Still thinkin on whether i should JB or not. Using ipad2 3G+wifi on 4.3.3

sorry.. newbie here ;)
Also having the same issue, process was the following:

Running 4.3.3
JB via jailbreakme.com
Screwed up my ipad by modifying it too much
Ran TU to backup SHSH
Attempted to restore 4.3.3 with 1013 errors
Managed to restore 4.3.3 but stuck in recovery mode
Tried most tricks via Google such as fixrecovery, using alternative iphone apps to reset env. variables
Restored to 4.3.5
Tried to downgrade to 4.3.3 but got stuck in recovery mode again

Running out of ideas

iPad 2 3g GSM (16gb)
This is the FAQ from the DevTeam:

Q: Will I permanently lose the jailbreak if I need to restore my device?
A: For all except the iPad2, saving your SHSH blobs should let you always restore your device to iOS versions where this jailbreak works. The iPad2 is a little more complicated. If you have a wifi-only iPad2 and saved SHSH blobs, you’re in good shape. But if you have the GSM or CDMA iPad2, you won’t be able to restore to 4.3.3 or lower once Apple stops signing its baseband. There are a few ideas that might work to get around this limitation, but for now it’s best to assume there’s no going back to 4.3.3 once 4.3.4 is out for iPad2 GSM or CDMA owners.

So, currently Apple has stopped signing the 4.3.3 baseband, you will not be able to restore to 4.3.3 by any way. Maybe comex or others can find new solution soon but not now.
This is the FAQ from the DevTeam:

Q: Will I permanently lose the jailbreak if I need to restore my device?
A: For all except the iPad2, saving your SHSH blobs should let you always restore your device to iOS versions where this jailbreak works. The iPad2 is a little more complicated. If you have a wifi-only iPad2 and saved SHSH blobs, you’re in good shape. But if you have the GSM or CDMA iPad2, you won’t be able to restore to 4.3.3 or lower once Apple stops signing its baseband. There are a few ideas that might work to get around this limitation, but for now it’s best to assume there’s no going back to 4.3.3 once 4.3.4 is out for iPad2 GSM or CDMA owners.

So, currently Apple has stopped signing the 4.3.3 baseband, you will not be able to restore to 4.3.3 by any way. Maybe comex or others can find new solution soon but not now.

No, that's wrong, Apple didn't update the baseband for the iPad 2 neither in 4.3.4 nor in 4.3.5, so of course they are still signing it. That's definitely not the issue here.
I think, that iPad software is OK after downgrading to 4.3.3 (with 1013 error too). Baseband module is also OK - because it is the same version. Our problem is: to activate the iPad without connecting to iTunes. iPad 3g after downgrading only needs activation. But this couldn't be done - apple site wants to upgrade ipad to newest version of firmware. What's alternate method of activation of iPad (without iTunes)?
The best bet right now would be to sit and wait ;)

No seriously, @notcom just tweeted an hour ago, that he's looking into the code of tinyumbrella to see what went wrong. So i guess we will hear from him again pretty soon.

Just follow @notcom on twitter and you will get the latest news on this issue.

Damn, i'm slow, he already tweeted about releasing 5.00.08 half an hour ago :D
So keep an eye out for the new version on his website ;)
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Yeah! Many Thanks for TinyUmbrella creator!!! ver 5.00.08 doing it with ipad 3g!!! After many many many tries....
Yeah! Many Thanks for TinyUmbrella creator!!! ver 5.00.08 doing it with ipad 3g!!! After many many many tries....

You Have succeeded in downgrading iPad 2 3G+Wifi to 4.3.3 using TU 5.00.08 "after many many tries"?

Please share the details as I have been unsuccessful with TU 5.00.08 on my iPad 2 3G+Wifi.
You Have succeeded in downgrading iPad 2 3G+Wifi to 4.3.3 using TU 5.00.08 "after many many tries"?

Please share the details as I have been unsuccessful with TU 5.00.08 on my iPad 2 3G+Wifi.

Nothing special: I tried once more on "almost" new computer with windows XP, and TU 5.00.07 (after fresh installation Java, iTunes, umbrella). The same effect as in previous times on Win7 - error 1013. AND THEN from tinyumbrella site I download TU 5.00.08 - newborn&fresh since 10 minutes.
So on the same computer (Win XP SP3,jdk-6u26-windows-i586.exe,
iTunes 10.4 x86) tried once more:
DFU mode,
TU+start TSS server
whole downgrade process past smoothly, with no 1013 error.
You must use 5.00.08. No other version of TU will work for iPad2.

Follow this tutorial exactly http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...d-using-tinyumbrella-shsh-blobs-new-post.html

Talking about timing... My 32 gb 3G iPad2, JBen with JBme.com, had a problem with volume rocker (down is fine but up does not work) and I was trying to restore it with 5.00.7 (5.00.8 wasn't out at the time) all Saturday and Sunday (error 1013) without any success. I finally gave up late Sunday night and upgraded to 4.3.5 and proved it is a mechanical problem (thought might be an app conflict). I brought it in to the local Apple store Monday morning and after a quick test, they gave me a replacement -- with 4.3.3 on it. :D

Naturally/unfortunately it does not have 4.3.3 blob saved. I was able to JB it again and started downloading purchased apps from Cydia. When I was trying to activate the iBluever, I got an error stating I was blacklisted due to too many activation. I have an iPod touch 2G, iPad1 wifi, and this iPad 2 wifi+3G, all have gone through may times of restoration/upgrades. I got on the website and sent app owner eric several messages and all got deleted and ignored (even offered a re-purchase). Ironically I have been advocating for iBluever on the forum whenever I can. :o

Thank googness that iFile activation still succedded, Retinapad is fine, haven't tried FirewalIP yet. Had I known that 5.00.8 would work for the downgrade, I most likely will keep that old iPad2 (you can still turn the volume up in the settings/sound. But hey at least I got a replacement with 4.3.3 on it. I just need to be extra careful not to screw this one up before the new JB comes out.


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