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Official iPad2 Jailbreak Thread

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Sep 11, 2010
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Troon, Scotland
Welcome to the iPadForums Official iPad2 Jailbreak Thread. This thread provides iPad2 owners with all the information they need to get started jailbreaking their iPad2.

25 May 2012


The good news is that the jailbreak for iOS 5.1.1 has been released!

Please get your Absinthe 2.x jail breaking tool from here: Absinthe 2.0 has arrived! | greenpois0n.com. Follow the instructions given by the Dev Team and you are good to go.

The jailbreak supports all iPad models running 5.1.1.

As always, please consider giving a donation to the Dev Team. It encourages them to keep developing new tools for us to use.

Happy jail breaking!

Can I jailbreak my iPad2?
You can only jailbreak your iPad2 if it currently has iOS Version 5.1.1, 5.0.1 or 4.3.3 installed on it. There is no jailbreak for any other versions. The iPad2 hardware coupled with IOS5 software is a very challenging platform to develop a jailbreak for. The existing jailbreaks for 4.3.3, 5.0.1 and 5.1.1 took many months of effort. The jailbreak community NEVER gives release dates / ETA's for future jailbreaks, so there is absolutely no point in asking when the next jailbreak will be released. Nobody will know until it gets very very close!

I have version 5.1.1! How do I jailbreak?
Congratulations! You will need to use the Absinthe 2.c tool to jailbreak your device which takes between 5 and 30 minutes in total depending on the amount of data on your device. The latest version of Absinthe can be downloaded from here:Absinthe 2.0 has arrived! | greenpois0n.com
If you need some help with the process, see our tutorial here - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...ilbreak-ipad2-ipad3-5-1-1-absinthe-2-0-a.html

I have version 5.0.1! How do I jailbreak?
Congratulations! You will need to use the Absinthe tool to jailbreak your device which takes between 5 and 30 minutes in total depending on the amount of data on your device. The latest version of Absinthe can be downloaded from Absinthe 2.0 has arrived! | greenpois0n.com
If you need some help with the process, see our tutorial here - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...-tutorial-jailbreak-ipad2-5-0-1-absinthe.html
For the Windows CLI tool see here - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...d2-5-0-1-absinthe-using-windows-cli-tool.html

I have version 4.3.3! How do I jailbreak?
Congratulations! You are only a few moments away from jailbreaking your device. Open Safari on your iPad2 and visit jailbreakme.com. If you need a bit more support, see our tutorial here - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...utorial-jailbreak-ipad2-4-3-3-jbme-3-0-a.html

Can I upgrade or downgrade my iPad2 to 5.0.1?
Yes, but only if you have saved SHSH Blobs! Thanks to the hard work of the jailbreak community, there is a way for iPad2 owners - with saved SHSH blobs - to downgrade to iOS 5.0.1. Please see this sticky for a tutorial on using the latest tools to downgrade your ipad2: http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...our-ipad2-ipad3-using-shsh-blobs-redsn0w.html

Please remember that this process will work ONLY if you have SHSH blobs saved for iOS 5.0.1. Then, once you have downgraded to that iOS, you can jail break it using Absinthe as mentioned above.

Can I upgrade or downgrade my iPad2 to 4.3.3?
You can only install version 4.3.3 of iOS on your iPad2 if you have saved SHSH Blobs for 4.3.3 and ONLY if you don't have the 3G CDMA model. Blobs are unique to your device and must be provided by Apple, and they stopped providing 4.3.3 blobs back in June 2011. There is no way to forge them or otherwise bypass this security. If your iPad2 is new then you have no 4.3.3 blobs and no way to get them. No blobs = no install for that version. See our FAQ here for more information on blobs - http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/59291-shsh-blobs-faq-new-improved-2012-a.html

My iPad isn't new and I was previously jailbroken. Am I out of luck too?
If you were previously jailbroken on your iPad2 then you will be able to use this guide to restore to 4.3.3 - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...-your-ipad-using-tinyumbrella-shsh-blobs.html. But if you follow it and TU does not list 4.3.3 blobs for your device you are still out of luck, sorry. Also, iPad2 3G owners need to read the note below.

iPad2 3G Owners: If you have a GSM iPad2 3G you MUST use either TinyCFW or redsn0w 0.9.10b to build a custom firmware to restore 4.3.3 with your saved blobs. You can get TinyCFW from the TinyUmbrella home page and redsn0w from the iPhone Dev-Team blog. Check our tutorial and guides section for help with these tools.
iPad2 3G CDMA owners have NO WAY to restore a 4.3.3 firmware as things stand, even if you have saved your SHSH Blobs. They are useless at the moment. This warning does not apply to owners of the "iPad2 WiFi Only" model who can use their saved blobs with TinyUmbrella as normal.
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It's out people - go get it - greenpois0n.com

The fist post has been updated. Please refer to that!

More news as we get it!
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with the news today of the Absinthe and Corona 5 JB being released in a few hours i have a question about cydia tweaks.

Hope someone here can help. I have several devices. Ranging from 3rd gen touch, iphone 4, and ipad 2.

What i want to know is, if i purchase an app from the cydia store (tweak) and all my devices are under my name, do i have the ability to use this tweak on each device (compatibility granted) without having to buy it over and over?

example: if i buy infiniboard for $0.99 on my iphone, can i use it on my ipad 2 as well without having to buy it for the ipad 2?

you login thru cydia in manage, i use google to login.

and yes you can buy one and use for all....i did for several+ too, but when i wanted to add another, it told me i was adding too many devices too fast, wait a few days.

and try scrollingboard instead.
wasee_shaikh said:
Why greenpoison blog after opening in mozilla shows database error on my p.c ?

always genuine..

Too many people are trying to get the jailbreak, the servers is overloaded I guess..
And if you do not have a Mac, you can't jailbreak yet. You need to wait for the Windows version.
RudyL90 said:
Too many people are trying to get the jailbreak, the servers is overloaded I guess..
And if you do not have a Mac, you can't jailbreak yet. You need to wait for the Windows version.

O.k but did you guess how much time taken for windows version ?

always genuine..
wasee_shaikh said:
O.k but did you guess how much time taken for windows version ?

always genuine..

Joshua Hill (@p0sixninja)
20-01-12 18:01
Windows version of Absinthe is coming as soon as nikias gets home and rolls up the build

So it depends on how long it takes for nikias to get home.
Again, thanks to all the devs for their hard work and making this happen! :thumbs:
RudyL90 said:
Joshua Hill (@p0sixninja)
20-01-12 18:01
Windows version of Absinthe is coming as soon as nikias gets home and rolls up the build

So it depends on how long it takes for nikias to get home.

Would you mind tell me that who is nikia ?

always genuine..
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