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Error 1013 Restoring to 4.3.3 Help Please.


iPF Noob
I messed with my cydia, now my Ipad 2 3g is stuck on recovery mode so I have no choice but to restore.
My previous FW before it's stuck: 4.3.3

SHSH saved:
(and couple of 5bx blobs)

Im using Tiny Umbrella v5.00.07 with the ff settings checked:
save all availabe shsh....
overwrite existing shsh....
when connecting a device, prefer my custom device name...

Here are my steps before getting the error:
DFU mode
run tss server
shift+restore to: iPad2,2_4.3.3_8J2_Restore
[iTunes Error 1013]

Please help me, :(
Thanks in advance
Yep, it's your hosts file. It's "pointing" the wrong way...

So, you need to check and ensure you have no entry in your hosts for gs.apple.com. To find the hosts file on a Windows machine, go to Windows/System32/drivers/etc. Using WordPad, open the Hosts.ics file and put a hash mark (#) in front of any/all lines containing the phrase "gs.apple.com." Save the file.

Note: If you have a Mac, let me know and I'll dig up the instructions for this process on a Mac...

Once you've corrected the hosts file, you'll have to start over again to restore the iPad. First, begin with a clean, stock restore of 4.3.3. To do that, start at the DFU mode (outlined in this sticky: http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/27489-dfu-mode-dummies.html). Once you've got it back to stock, then you can use JailbreakMe.com.

That should work. Let us know, 'kay?

so if i get that correct

i should comment out all other entries in the host file
and leave the gs.apple.com
also, i'll put a "#" in front of those two lines, correct?

another inquiry, will this still work even though apple is not anymore signing 4.3.4 (or do they)?

thanks again..
Just to make sure we're on the same page...

If you see something like gs.apple.com, edit it so it then reads # gs.apple.com

The hash mark goes in front of the whole line. And, it goes in front of any line you may have that contains that gs.apple.com phrase.

If you think we still may be talking at cross-purposes to each other (or that I may be confused!), copy/paste your hosts file here ... then we can specifically edit it.

As far as your question about 4.3.4, no worries. The TU version that you say you've got running (5.00.07) is the latest. I doublechecked Tiny Umbrella's web site (about your 4.3.4 question) and it says: Also, iPad 2 users can still restore to 4.3.3 if they have their 4.3.3 SHSH. Just 'Start TSS Server' and then start up iTunes and restore your 4.3.3 ipsw. TinyUmbrella should help you restore without a 10xx error.

Huh? But, you have got the error ... and the most recent TU ... and the most recent iTunes ...

So, I found this tip: Under the Advanced tab on TU is a setting named "Set Hosts to Cydia on Exit." In general, most users now prefer this to be UNTICKED. Doing so means that next time you try and upgrade your iPad to the latest firmware it will succeed rather than throwing an error in iTunes which will happen if you leave it ticked.

So, if you have it ticked, UNtick it and try again (before mucking about in the Hosts file). If you already had removed the check mark and still got the error, ignore these three paragraphs and continue on with the Hosts file edit.

Sorry about missing that part - but it's worth it to double check, yeah?

There's a lot of "help" in there - so I hope some of it answers your question(s).

Let us know the outcome...

Hello everyone...I've tried everything you've told but I still got stuck (Error 1013). what should I do? please help.
sorry, up to now, i cannot test whether the steps are working.

i found this from the tinyumbrella site

First, the version you WANT to restore to and the version Apple is currently signing must BOTH have the same baseband. This is important or else the baseband update will not work and you will get a 10xx error and need to use fixrecovery. (Works for iPhone 4 - will not work for iPad 2)

so..does that mean that the 4.3.5 update updates your baseband?
if so, we are doomed since it ipad2 3g cannot support fixrecovery.
oneway said:
sorry, up to now, i cannot test whether the steps are working.

i found this from the tinyumbrella site

First, the version you WANT to restore to and the version Apple is currently signing must BOTH have the same baseband. This is important or else the baseband update will not work and you will get a 10xx error and need to use fixrecovery. (Works for iPhone 4 - will not work for iPad 2)

so..does that mean that the 4.3.5 update updates your baseband?
if so, we are doomed since it ipad2 3g cannot support fixrecovery.

What that statement means is that the "FixRecovery" tool does not work on iPad2 since it relies on the limera1n exploit.

The baseband on 4.3.5 IS THE SAME as 4.3.4 and 4.3.3. TinyUmbrella has been updated to allow the baseband signing process to bypass TU and get baseband blobs directly from Apple for iPad2. This should avoid the 1013 error altogether.

If you are still getting a 1013 error when restoring, something is still wrong in the process. Rather than commenting / uncommenting lines from your hosts, simply delete EVERY reference to gs.apple..com from it, and also make sure you UNTICK "Set hosts to Cydia on exit" in TU and then exit the program. This should guarantee a completely clean hosts. I know Marilyn already said this, but it is important.

Then restart TU and try again. "Start TSS Server", DFU Mode, Shift-Restore the 4.3.3 firmware. It should not generate an error for an iPad2 in this configuration.

Check and recheck you actions. It is very easy to skip over stuff because you are assuming you are doing it right every time. I've wasted hours doing stuff like that in the past when the instructions were right in front of me and I was not following them correctly :D

Good luck.
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oneway said:
sorry, up to now, i cannot test whether the steps are working.

i found this from the tinyumbrella site

First, the version you WANT to restore to and the version Apple is currently signing must BOTH have the same baseband. This is important or else the baseband update will not work and you will get a 10xx error and need to use fixrecovery. (Works for iPhone 4 - will not work for iPad 2)

so..does that mean that the 4.3.5 update updates your baseband?
if so, we are doomed since it ipad2 3g cannot support fixrecovery.

What that statement means is that the "FixRecovery" tool does not work on iPad2 since it relies on the limera1n exploit.

The baseband on 4.3.5 IS THE SAME as 4.3.4 and 4.3.3. TinyUmbrella has been updated to allow the baseband signing process to bypass TU and get baseband blobs directly from Apple for iPad2. This should avoid the 1013 error altogether.

If you are still getting a 1013 error when restoring, something is still wrong in the process. Rather than commenting / uncommenting lines from your hosts, simply delete EVERY reference to gs.apple..com from it, and also make sure you UNTICK "Set hosts to Cydia on exit" in TU and then exit the program. This should guarantee a completely clean hosts. I know Marilyn already said this, but it is important.

Then restart TU and try again. "Start TSS Server", DFU Mode, Shift-Restore the 4.3.3 firmware. It should not generate an error for an iPad2 in this configuration.

Check and recheck you actions. It is very easy to skip over stuff because you are assuming you are doing it right every time. I've wasted hours doing stuff like that in the past when the instructions were right in front of me and I was not following them correctly :D

Good luck.

I can't still make it.. :( omg!! pls anybody help ;(
Do you have *exactly* the same problem as the OP?
If so, and you've followed the instructions given by Grayson, Marilyn and Leigh, what exactly happened? You need to provide some details.

i followed everything, but still.....
to no avail.

maybe this is because apple stops signing 4.3.4.
i'll just wait for an update of the tiny umbrella.
goodbye jailbreak for now and hello boring environment. :(
I have exactly the same problem, in the same situation (same ****!)...

Messed around with Cydia apps and screwed the JB iPad 2 (3G + Wifi)....

Had to restore to factory settings and that meant upgraded to 4.3.5. Noted that however the baseband is the same as 4.3.3's...?

Tried using Tinyumbrella and did a firmware restore to 4.3.3 but could not kick it out of the recovery loop.

Did the DFU thing to fix recovery but still of no use.

Guess I would just have to stay with 4.3.5 for now. Gonna miss Cydia and all the other good stuff!

NB: should anyone who had been successful in downgrading 4.3.5 to 4.3.3 (iPad 2 3G+wifi), please do share. Appreciate!
Yeah, I have the same things too... Ipad 2 (3g+WiFi). There is no solution to kick out from recovery mode. Tried it many times, with Tinyumbrella 5.00.07, or with manually apple readressing in hosts file. With fixrecovery43 also.
I can try once more with log in every details about it - if somebody is interested in...

Fixrecovery43 wrote:
Initializing libpois0n
Waiting for device to enter DFU mode
Found device in DFU mode
Checking if device is compatible with this jailbreak
Checking the device type
Identified device as (null)
Sorry device is not compatible with this jailbreak
Exiting libpois0n
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