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How has your iPad changed the way you use your other devices?


iPF Noob
I used to read on my laptop, among other things, and listen to a lot of music on my iPhone. Since the ipad came along I've started distributing my tasks differently. When i want to just read or lurk, I whip out my iPad. I have also stopped carrying my computer with me to use when i am lying down. My laptop just sits at my desk now.

If I'm going to be doing a lot of typing, including IM'ing, I use my Mac. I am not entirely used to the iPad keyboard just yet and the auto correct bugs me to no end. I don't have the luxury of looking away while I type because some word might get replaced with something I didn't enter in the first place. I can do this on my Mac just fine.

My poor phone is only used when I go out or want to text someone.
My computing habits have not really changed all that drastically since getting the iPad... and that's OK with me. My primary reason for getting it (other than being a major gadget freak!) was for reading books. I had been reading books like mad on my iPod Touch and when I first saw the iPad, I said, "I gotta get me one of those!" In that respect, the iPad has far exceeded my expectations. The one room in the house where the iPad gets used the most (and I know this will get an "Ewwwww, gross!" response from many of you) is the "porcelain library". I do some of my best thinking in there!

My "real" computer still has a very prominent place in the "man cave" (the one room in the house where my wife has allowed me to "decorate" to my taste - although "decorate" is not the term she would use!) because there are many things I use it for that the iPad can not do. Although the iPad is capable of doing many things that a "real" computer can do, it was not meant to entirely replace a computer.

I am still experimenting with remote access apps that will allow me to use my iPad as if I was actually at my "real" computer. Thanks to stevebostedor for the link, I am currently evaluating TeamViewer HD and it comes pretty darn close to doing what I want it to do. There is the LogMeIn Ignition app for $29.99, but TeamViewer HD cost $29.99 less than that and so far, I can't see where LogMeIn Ignition is worth $29.99 more than TeamViewer HD.
The main thing I've changed is that I gave my iPod touch to my daughter and rarely use anything on my phone except some text messaging (changed phone out to a Blackberry so I don't have to mess with a touch screen any more.

My computing habits haven't changed yet - but I think that will change soon. I'm considering turning my laptop off for a week and living just with the iPad unless I have serious printing to do.
I gave a fairly recent Toshiba laptop away after using the iPad for a week. Buy the right apps, change your thinking and the iPad is a killer device.

I make heavy use of PDFs on the iPad as well as digital books for reference.

You can make free phone calls using Whistle and Textfree allows you to send and receive unlimited free SMS text messages.

I find a blue-tooth keyboard helps when a lot of typing needs to be done which makes the iPad a little more laptop like. Still the BT6000 and the iPad combined are a feather next to any netbook or a lap top and the battery lasts forever during the day. The iPad screen is a lot nicer than any laptop screen I have recently seen for constant use during the day. I do not know why some seem to miss that fact.
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My laptop has become a remote storage solution that happens to run iTunes, and my iPhone has been sidelined as my go-to device despite my love of iOS 4
Don't use PC much. Can bring connectivity out on the deck in the evening while I watch a movie....without the portable DVD player.
iphone stays in my pocket until it rings these days.... Laptop is still used for work purposes but stays in the bag when at home. The ipad has become the go-to machine now for browsing the web.
I haven't read a book on my ebook reader for ages now. I haven't used my printer in ages either, except when I have to hand something to someone.
Right now my 11 year old is on the laptop and my3 year old Is on my iPhone 4, son that is 5 is on the wii.....so that leaves me with my iPad just like I thought it would work out
I still use my desktop computer at the office, but my home desktop computer is gathering dust, and my laptop is in use only when my husband travels (I keep the iPad).

I take the iPad almost everywhere, except when I'd have to leave it in the car in the heat. I was using the desktop when I needed to do more typing, but then I got the Apple Bluetooth keyboard, so now I use that instead of the desktop.

My Kindle is still my favorite reading device -- especially for bedtime reading -- because the Kindle's e-Ink technology is easier on my eyes than the iPad's backlit screen, but I did read some of the free books from Barnes & Noble on the B&N book app for the iPad.

LOVE, love, love the iPad for everything else!
Laptop has become the stationary device used to sync up once a week. iPhone is now a portable device used to make phone calls, get directions via Google Maps and to do online tasks (email, Twitter, Faceboook, Words with Friends) when I don't have wifi and must rely on 3G.
I pretty much don't use the computer at home anymore. Everything I do on here I can pretty much do on the iPad.

And only use the web browser/facebook/twitter on the iPhone when I'm away from wifi.
i basiclly use the desktop for heavy duty web surfing for online buying of items i want along with useing the desktop for printing and some work items i need to here and there when iam home for the desktop has super fast cable connection along with it beening my tv set also ...

my use of ipad is to keep track of things on to do list along with my dvd and book library applications programs along with the game and music programs i have on the ipad for basic everyday use.i love the screen size for me it allows me to read the screen so much better than the iphone screen along with the fact that it stays with me all the time when iam outside the house .. like when iam in a bookstore and looking at a book i just input the title into the book library program and it tells me if i have the book or not so far the library application program has save me a lot of money when it comes to buying my books for reading ..

my iphone has basically become a phone again with some basic programs for when i travel like map items for driveing directions and places to eat when iam in a diff city or state.. ..

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