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How Many Of You Use The iPad Even When...


iPF Noob
Jun 10, 2010
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Even when you have easy access to a computer that is 100x faster, but you use the iPad anyway cuz you love the touch pad so much, or just love holding the iPad instead..

Post reasons that make you use the iPad instead of a much faster laptop or pc, Mac, whatever..

Btw, I always use my much faster quad core pc when I have the access to the pc, but do choose the iPad instead of my laptop, even tho the laptop is faster.. Proll cuz the iPad is lighter and ez'er to hold, and I like the touch screen rather than the keyboard on laptop..
I use the iPad even when I have access to a faster (laptop) computer because I like the touchpad feel. Also I find it quicker to use my iPad to zip through emails and to browse Twitter and my Google Reader RSS feeds. I also like that my iPad enables me to amuse myself in a very ADD-esque way, bouncing from Facebook to Twitter to the New York Times, then to Kindle for a few minutes and then back to Twitter, and then to the Iron Maiden concert video I have on it \m/
I am using this thing exactly as I expected and hoped. Having it next to the bed allows me to check e-mails and websites at night and in the morning instead of having to haul my notebook computer back and forth. Plus, absolutely LOVE being able to just hit a button and have access to what I want to do instantly rather than wait for an OS to boot up. The convenience level is absolutely phenomenal.
I should also mention that I love that u can just turn on iPad and it connects right away to internet..

With laptop I have to wait like 3 mins to connect after standby.. WTF!?
I have access to my desktop most of the time, have not turned it on it 2 months. Use the netbook some, syncing and some general use when I am at the desk... but all other times it's the iPad.... why? Because it is just so natural to use. After using it now for 3 months, I just can't imagine not having it.

Using a computer is not about speed. Speed is great for some high end graphic heavy game, or video editing. But most of us, most of the time are really using less than 10% of the power of our desktops and laptops. The iPad delivers what we use a computer for most of the time, and a good user experience to boot.
I use the iPad because it's "fast enough". It doesnt matter if my desktop is faster for surfing the web, doing email, or anything else I do with my iPad.

And a MacBook is not the only solution to the slow connection issue. I have never had that issue on my laptops. Windows 7 also resumes very quickly from hibernation or standby. Put a solid state disk in a windows 7 machine, and it's crazy fast to resume. The instant on of the iPad will still blow any laptop/desktop away though!
I use my iPad almost exclusively when at home because I like the ease of the touchpad, love the ability to check email, listen to itunes, and read my kindle material all in one device, it's lightweight and the fact that I can easily carry it anywhere and it fits in my purse. I only use my laptop at home when I am doing something work related or to burn CDs. I just turned my laptop on last night for the first time in about 2 weeks. The iPad has pretty much met all the expectations I had when I purchased it a couple of months ago.
We are getting regular power outages here. My desktop is no use at such times. But, with the iPad, I can maintain my sanity by reading books, playing games, watching movies or playing music while the lights are off. My net book would only last an hour or two...the iPad is great!
i plan on using it for my email/fb and books itunes... while my kids make run on my PC... if i see plants Vs zombies one more time I might scream... they love it while me not so much.

they already killed one pc off in 2 yrs time... so no kids on ipad with sticky hands at all.. I can put it in my bag out of site out of mind.
it's only been a few days since i've had the ipad and i freaking LOVE this thing. for the first few days i used it almost exclusively, but my eyes started to hurt which sorta scared me for a bit.

i decided that i'm going to use my macbook for work-related stuff and the ipad only when im surfing the net at night, reading comics or ebooks, or when im updating my apps for business purposes (to do list, accounting, etc.). or when im not really doing anything on the laptop and my back is starting to hurt from sitting all day long and i need a break to lie down or sit on the couch. :D

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