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What do you think you'll use your iPad for?

DW uses it in place of her now-deceased ASUS netbook, mainly for games, e-mail, facebook. As we improve our familiarity with Apple software, we'll probably get into additional activites. I've been a Windows user since 3.0, currently using XP on my desktop. I started using computers in work-related tasks back in 1965, using ALGOL on an Elliott 803 computer (all vacuum tubes). I have no familiarity whatever with Apple software. One thing we haven't figured out is how to print e-mails and their .pdf attachments. The owner's guide only mentions "Airprint". Our current printer (an elderly Lexmark) isn't wi-fi capable and we're looking at replacing it anyway. I'd appreciate pointers from the forum on choosing a printer. We've had good luck with Hewlett-Packard in the past This month's Costco flyer has a deal on an H-P OJ6700 printer. The blurb says "ePrint allows remote printing from PC or mobile device". Does this mean it's not compatible with an iPad's "Airprint"?

Here's a list of Air Print capable printers
I use my iPad for note taking, watching movies. My little brother uses it for playing games and watches his funny Youtube videos.
Hi, it has been awesome for me. I'm an 80 year old women and have used home computers since they came out. Then I had some health problems creep in and couldn't use my computer anymore. My son got me an iPad and my world was back. I use mine for tutorials
Reading, Facebook where I can compare notes about my hobbies with friends from all over the world. I enjoy my email. My son just got a stand for me which also makes a big difference. I love it. Thank you Mr. Job for thinking small. Dorothy
I use my iPad to help me at work ; diary, note taking, filing system keeping everything I need in one place, an excellent resource.
In my private business I use it to develop Hypnotherapy scripts (means that when I get an idea, even when I'm on the go I can keep working) and as the music I use is also on my iPad I can practice a session where ever and when ever I need to.
At home I use it to enjoy family photo's & videos to watch clips on YouTube, Sky TV via apps, scrap booking, keeping in touch with family & friends via iMessages & FaceTime.
- Email (although Gmail seems really buggy for me)
- YouTube videos - mostly music videos
- social media reluctantly
- work (now making an iPad App for a living!!)
- Day Planning
I haven't ipad yet,but if i have one.I can't wait to surf the web on it. And, I think that listening music or play games will be fantastic.
Do you think so?:o

Hi, just wondering, do you no longer have the iPad you got as per your post on May 12, 2014 in the New Member Introductions site?

"hi,there,i m new.IT is amazing that i got an ipad recently,but i don't know much about it.
so im here,hope can get more useful infor from here.
thanks everybody."

Whatever, I'm sure your experience with an iPad, to do many things with it, will be a pleasant and satisfactory one.

Sent from Oz using Tapatalk
It will be primarily an e-reader, but I will probably use it to watch movies on planes too.

How to use an iPad is an easy question to answer. Between its ability to stream movies to its ability to play great games to the thousands of apps available in the Apple App Store, you may be surprised about how many great uses there are for the iPad.

Hi green smith, you are answering a post dated February 19, 2010 right at the beginning of this thread, and after more than four years it's very doubtful that member is still around to read your comments. There are indeed many uses for the iPad. Perhaps you may want to share how you in fact use your iPad, which is the heading of this thread?
Great to see that you appear to be enjoying your iPad:)

Sent from Oz using Tapatalk
I work in the semiconductor manufactureing field and I use my iPad 2 for all my troubleshooting of equipment, I keep schematics and procedures on it, scheduling PM's, as well as games. I could not do without it.
I use it for daily dairy with "Day One" app, agenda with "awesome notes" and daily expenses with "Numbers" since I own the mini retina which is very comfortable to keep in hand anywhere in the house, I mirror my MBP to the iPad and navigate everything within my computer from the iPad, say playing movies stored into the computer, or PDF, or office documents, even Auto Cad files. The heavy 17" MBP is then sitting on the table in the living room and I can access any of my file from it anywhere I am in the house provide the computer is on and I use "file browser" for that purpose. iBook to read book, (that's only when my internet data is finish otherwise I never open iBook to read) and notability to read an annotate PDF files. Being a GSM Core network engineer, and operating on HuaWei equipments most of the time, I have hundreds of PDF to read to get along with newly system updates and so on. Notability is the one helping me to highlight the important commands so I don't waist time scrolling searching for commands in 400 pages of PDF docs. Tapatalk in the evening to read on forums and safari to do researches, mostly about GSM Protocols and news (that's why I took the LTE so to be connected anywhere anytime). Of course I do Facebook and game from time to time and reply to personal emails and whatsapp every hours or so. As for today, I don't think I can make a day without my iPad as it's part of my daily routine.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
I have an IPad 2 wifi. I recently got an iPad mini with cellular. I also have a 13" mbp. I tried to give the iPad 2 to my wife, but she turned it down, says she's happy with her iPhone 4 and her kindle.
I love my iPad mini. it is so portable and convenient. I read books with it. I have an apple bluetooth keyboard. I sit in my truck at lunch and read, and post to twitter and Facebook. I don't have cable, so I get most of my news from twitter. Even when I did have tv with dvr, I didn't watch half the stuff that was on, or that I recorded. I was always erasing shows I never would have the time or inclination to watch. I watch short videos with the iPad mini. For about two weeks the wifi was down at home and the only internet I had was the mini. I keep a diary and a blog, and I save work data on evernote. The more I use the mini the more I like it. Sometimes I watch tv shows from the internet on the iPad 2 in another room. I love all three devices, especially the iPad mini.
I use my my iPad mainly for the social media aspect, I don't know what I would do without my apps. I also use the camera quite a bit on it. I think it's fair to say it's a decent quality.

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