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How do you delete useless icons??


iPF Noob
how can I delete icons for stupid useless junk like photo booth?

The squiggly icon thing doesn't work as that icon never shows the X to delete it?

SweetPoison said:
If it doesn't show it then I am thinking you can't delete it ~ let's see what others chime in with!

I'm really hoping that's not the case (although if it is, I can certainly understand why people hate apple)

You can't delete any of the Apple apps that it came with. If you don't want to see them, stick them in a folder somewhere out of the way.
It's not an Apple thing... It's a technology thing. You can't delete the NASCAR app from a Sprint Evo either.

It would be nice to have a Settings option to hide icons for stuff you didn't use, but I'm not so bothered that I'd jailbreak.
I dislike ugly icons and was most annoyed when I couldn't delete stock apple icons like YouTube Notes etc. So they got banished to a folder as far to the rear as I could throw them.

Happily I need never look at their foul features again. I really though apple could do better in icon design.
Once you Jailbreak, you can use SBSettings and hide any icons you don't like on your Springboard.

Yeah, the jailbreak app you would want to use is "Poof." It easily and quickly hides applications. You browse through the alphabetized list, turn off the icon, re-spring and poof! (:D)...the icon is gone.

Of course, the key term here is jailbreak, as you've got to have a jailbroken iPad to get Poof. Until you do jailbreak (or if you don't want to), the only option is hiding them away in a folder on a screen far, far away ...

Poof should come preinstalled with SBSettings, no need to install it separately to have yet another icon on the home screen, or under the Settings.

But until a jb for iPad 2 gets released, this is not really an option.

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