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Updating firmware totally offline


iPF Noob
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
Hi guys,

I have an iPad 1 with the 4.3.5 firmware installed and I'm trying to install 5.1.1 onto it, but I don't have internet access at my house, however I was given the firmware update file by a friend with a fast connection unlike mine.

Looking at various guides it says that I can press shift+click and etc etc it will work - however it unpacks the file and then tells me that the iTunes Software update server is unreachable due to no 'net. Is there a workaround for this?

I want to jailbreak it but I can't until I get this new firmware on.

Any help you can offer would be appreciated, thanks

gaffs said:
Hi guys,

I have an iPad 1 with the 4.3.5 firmware installed and I'm trying to install 5.1.1 onto it, but I don't have internet access at my house, however I was given the firmware update file by a friend with a fast connection unlike mine.

Looking at various guides it says that I can press shift+click and etc etc it will work - however it unpacks the file and then tells me that the iTunes Software update server is unreachable due to no 'net. Is there a workaround for this?

I want to jailbreak it but I can't until I get this new firmware on.

Any help you can offer would be appreciated, thanks


No there isn't. You have to have a live Internet connection to the Apple servers to update the iOS in your iPad, either through iTunes on your computer or OTA,directly from your iPad via wifi.
BTW, how do you plan to jailbreak without Internet access?
Unless you get access to an Internet connection, you will just have to put a hold on that update.
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My advice is that you read through this forum to see all the ipad1 owners who wish they were in your shoes. Many posts here and other forums that each OS upgrade eats up more of our meager 256 MB RAM. For what I do OS5 was okay but I have no reason to doubt the multitude of complainers with "upgrade remorse". Some posters want directions on rolling back to OS 4.
My advice is to read this forum thoroughly as well as the jailbreak forum where people jailbreak OS 4
Be careful what you wish for since it's not like we have 512mb o a full GB of RAM like the 2 and 3 owners
I know the apple apologists don't accept how important RAM is but looks like apple finally has Which is why no OS 6 for us

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