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Ipad as only computer?


iPF Novice
Aug 26, 2019
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Excluding your phone, how many of you use the Ipad as your only computer?

I am a self-employed guy and use a Google Pixel c tablet with a keyboard and mouse as my only computer. I do have an Ipad 6th Generation running Ipad OS 13 Beta with keyboard case and a laptop as back up.

I am from California but live most of the time abroad with no fixed base of operation since most of my businesses are passive income streams that can be controlled from anywhere. Right now I am sitting in a cafe in South East Asia typing this.

I ditched using desktops and laptops years ago when Google came out with the Nexus 9 and haven't looked back! Anywhere I am at any time becomes my office and it is nice to just carry around something light and quick with long battery life. I can live like this thanks to tablets and Ipads. So far I haven't had the need to get anything that takes a sim card since WiFi is available and in a worst-case scenario, I can tether from my phone. There are countries in the world where whole cities are on free WiFi.

Edit: If you haven't upgraded to Ipad Os 13 then I strongly suggest you do. It almost makes the Ipad into a Macbook.


iPF Novice
Feb 14, 2019
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central Kentucky
Great to know my iPad6 is really upgraded by the new OS as well. I was worried that only the higher end iPad Pros would really benefit. Neat! I own 3 PCs, an iPhone ,2 iPads. and my poor neglected KindleFire HD, but use the iPad for artwork, and as a CC machine for my Square reader. BTW, I LOVE SE Asia, I`ve been to that corner of China 15 times as well as Thailand, The Philippines, and India....One of my favorites, politically correct or not ,is Taipei, it`s really neat. L


iPad Fan
Jan 8, 2011
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Milton-Freewater, OR
Well, not my only computer, but certainly my primary computer.

I have a 12.9” iPad Pro, a fourth generation iPad Mini, and an iPhone, of course. I spend most of my time on the iPad Pro. The iPad Mini I got to use as a quick note taking device in meetings, walking/planning stuff out, and similar situations. It does that pretty well. I use the cheaper Logitech Crayon instead of an Apple Pencil for the Mini.

My other computers and devices are hobby specific; mostly for Amateur Radio. I have a cheapish Windows laptop and a couple of Android tablets. Also a Kindle Paper White reader. I don’t use the last often, but it’s long battery life makes it worth keeping around. I also use it as a portable manual for a many of my other toys; uploading the PDF versions via Amazon.

I’ve looked over the Chrome tablets, but don’t care for their higher dependence on wi-fi and the internet. I’ve been through several transitions where I did not have home wi-fi. Also, I’m fond of iOS as a platform. Android and Chrome aren’t bad. I just prefer Apple’s take on user interfaces.


iPF Novice
Aug 26, 2019
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BTW, I LOVE SE Asia, I`ve been to that corner of China 15 times as well as Thailand, The Philippines, and India....One of my favorites, politically correct or not ,is Taipei, it`s really neat.

Nice to meet you. Not sure you mean by being or not being politically correct but Taiwan is a great country. It's almost like Japan.


iPF Novice
Aug 26, 2019
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Well, not my only computer, but certainly my primary computer.

I’ve looked over the Chrome tablets, but don’t care for their higher dependence on wi-fi and the internet. I’ve been through several transitions where I did not have home wi-fi. Also, I’m fond of iOS as a platform. Android and Chrome aren’t bad. I just prefer Apple’s take on user interfaces.

First of all, I want to say that I am NOT one of those Apple sucks, Android rocks kind of guys or vice versa, Both platforms are great and most of us are probably using only a small percentage of the features and computing capability for either.

Well, I have only used Android tablets. The Ipad I recently bought and I can say the Android tablet environment is more advanced than iPad OS and has had keyboard and fully functional mouse support for many years now. However, since there are so many different Android tablets with different screen dimensions, it is hard for app developers to optimize their apps for all the different, makers. Though I don't like the lack of customizability of iOS such as the inability to set 3rd party apps as default or install from outside the App Store without either jailbreaking or going through fakes stores, I am grateful that all the apps that I use do go into landscape mode and some even optimized to fully utilize the screen real estate of the Ipad. This will certainly get better as iPad Os becomes the default. I don't have use for any type of pen but it sure looks cool when I see people do artwork on the pads!

Most Samsung tablets do offer sim card slots but then you will have to deal with all the bloated Samsung crap on it too. When I get back to the states I do plan to get a Google Pixel Slate with keyboard, as it runs both Chrome Os and Android apps.

Last edited:


iPF Novice
Aug 26, 2019
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Politically. Some people get really abrasive when I mention Taiwan. But, I LOVE it. Taipei is an awesome city.

Well, I do not subscribe to the political correctness of any kind. Taipei is an awesome city and I hope China doesn't get its hands on it.


iPF Novice
Feb 14, 2019
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central Kentucky
Same here! It`s a shame the rest of the world bends over backwards for China, and I can`t even get my Taiwanese currency exchanged back at my bank. and airlines feel the need to apologize after listing it as it`s own country.Getting off my soapbox now.


iPF Novice
Aug 26, 2019
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Do you mean your bank in America? That sounds terrible! The Taiwan Dollar is stronger and more stable than the US Dollar!

I have only been to Taiwan once and it was enough to make me consider living there. The country is clean, safe and modern. The people are polite, educated and revere democracy and the free-market. They deserve freedom and sovereignty because they earned it.

I am very scared of China and personally, I support the trade war and the boycott of Huawei. They want to spy on us and then take us out. I know it is not possible now but I would love if all Apple products were made here at home. It will cost more (at first) but I am willing to by and that will drive down the price.



iPF Novice
Feb 14, 2019
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central Kentucky
Yes, my US based bank. The currency exchange in the airports don`t do that either. I actually dealt with Chinese factories, and went to them. Interestingly, many of the ones we work the most closely with are owned, or managed by American, Canadian, or European executives. The cost of making products in the US are actually quite prohibitive, and the average cost at retail is 6 times the price paid to the Chinese manufacturer! There are some steep tariffs already as well. Any product that has an American lobby is tariffed heavily, for instance, if you have ties made of polyester, the tariff is quite high, but not silk, because the US makes polyester, and taxes accordingly. Some trigger words also gain tariffs! I was designing Holiday décor, and if it was popular (one Christmas, snowmen were popular.) US customs would tariff the living daylights out is any shipment with that word on the bill of lading. Sometime badly worded descriptions aren`t poor English from non English speaking shippers, but things worded to bypass the fees! The whole thing is fascinating, and a bit scary. P.S. the actual profit margin on an iPhone is about $200. Quality engineering is costly. Also, the glass for Apple devices is made by Corning, in the US, in fact the flagship factory is in Harrodsburg Ky. which is where my Mother`s side of my family is from, not important, but a local link to my homeland is really cool to me.


iPF Novice
Aug 26, 2019
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Thank you for the reply Prims,
I just read this morning that Google is relocating to an ex-Nokia factory in Vietnam to manufacture its Pixel line because of both rising manufacturing cost in China and the trade war. I hope other companies do the same. China has way overextended and this trade war is really hurting them a lot more than we think. They have 1.5 billion mouths to feed and any stop in the production line is disastrous for them.

Believe it or not, I use a toaster that was made in America during the 40s or 50s and the only thing I have "fixed" on it is replace the connector head. The thing is made with high-quality stainless steel and could probably survive being shot at! Made in America used to mean top quality for your money. Planned obsolescence has really done us in big time. God, I miss how America was...

I have been told that Kentucky is our most beautiful state and I will definitely visit one day. Do you have a link to your art? I would love to see it.


iPF Novice
Aug 26, 2019
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Hey! I think your work is great! I am very happy that you have a way to express yourself like this. I have always wanted to get into arts&crafts and have tried unsuccessfully over the years. I simply do not have the talent.

By the way, I do see the little mouse!

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