bought an ipad 2 32GB from Best Buy store's Customer Service Desk today (11th march, 2011). I was told that a customer just returned an ipad 2 32GB so it was made available to us at 19:23 hrs on the day of its release (awesome? Nope, AWEFUL). I went home, removed the wrapper and opened the box that had ipad older version in it and NOT ipad 2.
I rushed to the Best Buy store from which I bought it at around 20:00 hrs,
They said the guy who returned it had given it with seal which the lady at the service desk testifies it to be "Apple Seal" from her experience. They said we switched it with ipad older version in 30 mins not considering the fact that it has been returned by their previous customer and he could have switched it.
As a result we are losing money and product, which I do not need
Questions we asked,
1. How could we ever trust you? Do you want us to open the pack right at the store when we buy stuff?
Answered by Sales Manager: 'Yes! you probably should open it right here'
2. Do we pay for YOUR fraud customer?
Answered by Sales Manager: 'Yes! because you opened the box and we don't know who switched it'
Answered by another lady (I suppose a rep): 'our previous customer is not a fraud because he had returned with good seal and I could totally say it was genuine. I don't know if could say this, but he returned it because he bought it for his friend who couldn't pay'
3. Are we stuck with this then? Do I have a solution?
Answered by Sales Manager: 'you can talk to Apple. they are reputed and will consider your complaint because this is not the previous customer's fraud return - If you believe you have not switched it'
4. I just bought it from best buy and i'm back here in 30 mins. Are you saying I switched it?
All of them: 'we can't do anything about it. Talk to the manufacturer'.
Experience: The lady Service Rep was rude and was arguing that the customer who returned was genuine only because of the transparent wrap. When I came home and checked out the wrap - it was one of the cheapest plastic material that Mr. Jobs would laugh at. And of course my husband didn't realize it while opening it and I did not bother to touch it and feel it when I was expecting a brand new ipad 2 in a neat white box.
I am sure the lady who argued about it wouldn't have agreed with us about the wrap because we could have switched that too. This makes me feel that she definitely has her HAND in it or she doesn't like brown skinned like me. May be she doesn't want to accept her fault for not having checked it properly when
SHE received the return and believed the story of her fraud customer.
i need help What can i do
I rushed to the Best Buy store from which I bought it at around 20:00 hrs,
They said the guy who returned it had given it with seal which the lady at the service desk testifies it to be "Apple Seal" from her experience. They said we switched it with ipad older version in 30 mins not considering the fact that it has been returned by their previous customer and he could have switched it.
As a result we are losing money and product, which I do not need
Questions we asked,
1. How could we ever trust you? Do you want us to open the pack right at the store when we buy stuff?
Answered by Sales Manager: 'Yes! you probably should open it right here'
2. Do we pay for YOUR fraud customer?
Answered by Sales Manager: 'Yes! because you opened the box and we don't know who switched it'
Answered by another lady (I suppose a rep): 'our previous customer is not a fraud because he had returned with good seal and I could totally say it was genuine. I don't know if could say this, but he returned it because he bought it for his friend who couldn't pay'
3. Are we stuck with this then? Do I have a solution?
Answered by Sales Manager: 'you can talk to Apple. they are reputed and will consider your complaint because this is not the previous customer's fraud return - If you believe you have not switched it'
4. I just bought it from best buy and i'm back here in 30 mins. Are you saying I switched it?
All of them: 'we can't do anything about it. Talk to the manufacturer'.
Experience: The lady Service Rep was rude and was arguing that the customer who returned was genuine only because of the transparent wrap. When I came home and checked out the wrap - it was one of the cheapest plastic material that Mr. Jobs would laugh at. And of course my husband didn't realize it while opening it and I did not bother to touch it and feel it when I was expecting a brand new ipad 2 in a neat white box.
I am sure the lady who argued about it wouldn't have agreed with us about the wrap because we could have switched that too. This makes me feel that she definitely has her HAND in it or she doesn't like brown skinned like me. May be she doesn't want to accept her fault for not having checked it properly when
SHE received the return and believed the story of her fraud customer.
i need help What can i do