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What are some Mini surprise benefits?


iPF Noob
Dec 10, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
When I got my Mini, I was just expecting a "smaller" iPad that might make it easier to tote around. But I've discovered some interesting uses that I didn't anticipate. For example, because of it's size, I can bring it with me to restaurants in my coat. It makes looking up reviews and tips much easier then on my phone. Also, the Mini made it much more enjoyable to read books from I have found then the original iPad. I don't because it's more likely with me or that the smaller size makes it feel more like a paperback size for the width/size of each page. I'm curious, what did you guys find interesting?
I love the size. I was planning on an iPad 3 when I went shopping but bought the mini instead because of its reduced weight and size - both make for a very good ebook experience.
The mini is my constant companion now. I took the wifi model back and got the 4g LTE version instead. It is light and nice.
AQ_OC said:
The mini is my constant companion now. I took the wifi model back and got the 4g LTE version instead. It is light and nice.

Wish I could afford the data. It's almost a waste paying for it on my phone now, I'd rather have it on my ipad.
It's not a telephone. Thank goodness, you would look pretty silly holding it like one and talking into it. Almost as silly as one looks using a full sized iPad as a camera.
Finding using both thumbs to type is easy, great UI for a smaller device. Yes I know there is a split keyboard option on a full sized iPad but I hated it. The screen is not much smaller too. Resolution is pretty good and to be honest compared to a retina for most purposes it is great.
The mini is better for playing games. Also better for typing.
I got the iPad 2 recently, only because I already have a few 7" tablets... I much prefer the smaller form factor for most uses though. I don't regret getting the 2 but I played with a couple minis recently in the store and I have to admit... I think an iPad mini is probably in my near future. They say this and that about the screen and price but I found the screen to be more than adaquite (even impressive actually) and the price seems manageable enough... I will be strongly considering the mini but keeping my iPad 2 for games and some browsing when I want the larger screen.

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