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The London Olympics 2012

poisonivy said:
youre so right,i for one am sick to death of our taxes keeping idle scroungers who have no intentions of ever working,we do have a lot to be proud of but the Great has gone out of Britain,at least with the Olympics some pride has come back however long it lasts.

Rule Britannia!
Pardon the burst of exuberance from a former colony and still - member in good standing - of the Commonwealth.


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I got home from Stratford at 3.00 pm, and sat down to watch Team GB win Gold at dressage.

Once again, history in the making :)

I was reading about Nick Delpopolo being banned from the Olympics after testing drugs positive. He allegedly ate a hash brown with marijuana baked in the mix. A relative, who deals in the drug, baked the food. What a selfish relative. Will she stop doing drugs?

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I went to Stratford by public transport. It was a great outing, and I filled the memory card in the camera. Photos etc tomorrow.

Now, if any of you are going to the Olympics in Stratford, go by Docklands Light Railway. You get a superb view of the stadium etc. The Underground surfaces about 600 yards from Stratford Station.

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Richard Brown said:
I went to Stratford by public transport. It was a great outing, and I filled the memory card in the camera. Photos etc tomorrow.

Now, if any of you are going to the Olympics in Stratford, go by Docklands Light Railway. You get a superb view of the stadium etc. The Underground surfaces about 600 yards from Stratford Station.

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Looking forward to seeing those! If I were to take a ride on that, would have to stop drooling like a bag lady first:):)

Why? (tho' you were probably being too polite to ask:)) Been watching TeamGB win gold in the dressage!!!-- like Richard, what else could there be to do just now??? Such difficult, hugely demanding riding from both rider & horse.

No one has mentioned that they ALSO have to remember the moves...not have mind go blank at the vital moment in front of the crowds...eeeek :-(

Now trying to work out what's going on in the velodrome with the cycling. Something called a "Kieran" race. Not sussed it yet but there is that little man going round in front (with an engine on his bike???) which stops them going fast.

I think. But not sure. Then the dinky rider drops out & the rest go hell for leather, Brit Hoy in the lead of course:) Might get it straight before the final.
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AdmiralAdama said:
Rule Britannia!
Pardon the burst of exuberance from a former colony and still - member in good standing - of the Commonwealth.


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Wow, thanks for that AA! Great to have you with us to share our joyful Brit madness:)

We all seem to agree that we have discovered an unprecedented, nationwide enthusiasm for all the sports. And from most of what I've seen, we are backing & cheering all the athletes from all the countries, not just ours.

That's the true olympic ethos of course, and used to be perceived as being typical of us.
If it still is, bully for us:)
22 gold for Britain now with Chris Hoy,s last one.
poisonivy said:
22 gold for Britain now with Chris Hoy,s last one.

Hoy for King!!!

He now has ******6****** gold medals, beating Sir Steve Redgrave's 5. Amazing.....
How lovely to watch his Mum & Dad watching him win...his lovely Mum's face going through all that. Great film:)

Edit: sorry, Sir Chris Hoy for King!!!
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yes it was great,his mum looking and then hiding her face then looking again.........i never knew they went through all that pain with the lactic acid thing.
The high jump is on and very close. Edge of the seat stuff!

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Yup. Bronze in the high jump. Yippee. We are further than Beijing. Woohoo. I loved the hug from an emotional Steve to an equally emotional Chris. Ahhhh. Chris was too sweet. I love it when men are emotional too. Never too macho. Great tv viewing, by the way, BBC. I say Team GB should win the Sportsman/team of the year at the end of the year. Too hard to choose.

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Yesterday, I visited Stratford to pick up tickets for the Paralympics in September.

Here is my photo journal of the day. I will have to post 2 or 3 times to make things easier to read. While I am writing, Chris Evans is broadcasting from the Olympic Park, with his usual enthusiastic take on life (BBC Radio 2)

I went to Stratford by the Docklands Light Railway. The DLR has been developed into a fairly complex network of railways, with driverless trains. It wasn't crowded on DLR It's a very good way of getting there.





I didn't get into the Olympic Park. There were no facilities to buy a park ticket on the door, everything has to be done on-line :( However, the atmosphere in the shopping centre and near the entrances to the park was electrifying.





As I was making my way to pick up my tickets, I started chatting to a gent with an ID badge etc. He was telling me how great it is in the Olympic PArk. The atmosphere and the camaraderie between different nationalities is fantastic.

I said to him, I hope an Olympic Museum is installed, and the facilities are kept for training, athletic competitions etc.

He told me that he is one of the historians for the Olympic Organisers! Gosh, what luck. He was telling me that there is an Olympic Museum in Switzerland. He also told me that records from early games (pre 1908?) are extremely patchy. I think they are looking for more records.
Now, I have a suggestion. Can any one help point these guys in the right direction? Does anyone know of hidden archives etc? I am willing to contact LOCOG for con acts.

Wouldn't be marvellous if some assistance could be given through the iPad Forums. I leave this open. More detailed stuff could be sorted out by PM etc.

Right, back to the visit. Post 2 to follow.

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Post 2 re my visit to Stratford yesterday.

Here are some more impressions and photos. I,m typing this while Chris Evans is interviewing the Brownlee brothers. They did so very well, winning gold and bronze. I love their attitude, their brotherly camaraderie which once again embodies the true spirit of the Olympics.

OK, back to Stratford.





Chris is playing "On Ilkley Moor Bar T'at" - Jazz version. What else ;) I will let someone else find the UTube link ;)

I did like the volunteers guiding us to the park, and the humour from some. The chap on the lifeguard seat with megaphone was wonderfully funny "I see some smiling faces" "Give ius a wave it doesn't matter where you are from" etc...






Here are some other general photos. I hope I don't repeat stuff!




The airship is a camera platform which continually circled over the park.

Next post to follow.

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Stratford visit post 3..

John Lewis had an observation area on the 3rd floor (UK 3rd) of their department store. It cost £2 each to go in with all proceeds going to local sports charities.




The third image shows the Velodrome in the distance.



At the Stratford International entrance to the shopping centre it was possible to see the Olympic Village...







Well, thats about it. I stopped off in the M&S Tasting Cafe for a well earned lunch. I have included the tank engine for one of our regular posters. I didn't realise he had an engine named after him :)





Thats all folks.

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This picture in the Docklands Newspaper tickled me. It looks like dear Boris is trapped in a spider's web :)



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