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Lessons for Ipad


iPF Noob
Mar 13, 2012
Reaction score
Any1 looking for help on their Ipad 2 needs to check this website out!!!:D It is a website that is going to show you a video and present to you a program you can choose to use that will help you with ANY of your Ipad 2 needs!!! Have fun and god bless. [Moderator edit: Removed link to advertisement. Please read our rules! Thanks.] Also feel free to discuss any experience you may have with with helpful videos. I find my experience to be very good!
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purplezz said:
Any1 looking for help on their Ipad 2 needs to check this website out!!!:D It is a website that is going to show you a video and present to you a program you can choose to use that will help you with ANY of your Ipad 2 needs!!! Have fun and god bless. [Moderator edit: Removed link to advertisement. Please read our rules! Thanks.] Also feel free to discuss any experience you may have with with helpful videos. I find my experience to be very good!

Can also go to the Apple Store for free lessons.

Sent from my Verizon Black 64GB iPad 2 w IOS 5.1 Update From NYC!!! using iPF.net

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