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Jailbreak now, or wait till iOS4 for iPad?


iPF Noob
That is the question...Thoughts, comments, suggestions?

Any pros? Any cons?

This may seem like a ridic question to some but I am really new to the game (noob) and just wanted to be sure!

If you are going to Jailbreak you ipad its actualy better if you do it now.

When you jailbreak the blob codes for your device get backed up to cydia.

When a new version of the iOS is released apple stops handing out blobs for older iOS versions.

This means if you JB now and lets say apple does something in the next iOS to prevent Jailbreaking. You can always downgrade to a version that is able to be jailbroken if you have the blobs backed up.
I'm in the same position, even though my iPad's not arrived yet I'm deciding if I should JB or not. I had a iPod touch 1G and Jailbroke that at the start, but that was only because it had just came out and there was no app store. Now, I'm thinking I will just wait.. as it is I haven't used iOS for over a year so there's probably enough to keep me satisfied until iOS 4 :)
I'm in the same position, even though my iPad's not arrived yet I'm deciding if I should JB or not. I had a iPod touch 1G and Jailbroke that at the start, but that was only because it had just came out and there was no app store. Now, I'm thinking I will just wait.. as it is I haven't used iOS for over a year so there's probably enough to keep me satisfied until iOS 4 :)

Yeah, I only have a few JB apps on my iPad, and didnt jb my iPhone 3gs like I did with my 3G. Not a whole lot on the side of JB vs not JB. The JB apps I use are more of just for connivance than anything else. SBSettings for changing settings quickly without launching the settings app.
Haven't found a must have app that would convince me to jb yet.

Geeks have got to fiddle but if it ain't broke.......
Is it possible to retrieved my blobs from Cydia. I really wish to know more about that subject. Any links ?

Cydia will back up the blob for you automatically.

And actualy now that I think about it.
You can use the one umbrella app on your pc to backup your devices blob without jailbreaking.
Do it! If you don't like it, restore. If you don't try it, how will you know?

Okay NOOB question: Is it really that easy? ie Just plug into itunes and restore to default? In the process, I of course will lose all my jail broken apps etc, correct?

It just doesn't seem that simple. For example, I currently run iPhone OS 3.1.2 JB via Blackra1n. I really want to try iOS4 but I was reading elsewhere that I am stuck because Blackra1n has not come out with an iOS4 fix as of yet and restoring doesn't work as you have described above.

Just a thought - I look forward to hearing your responses! Thanks
iOS4 has no jailbreak available, therefore you can't try and then restore if you have already updated.

If you have iPhone 3.1.2 or 3.1.3 then jailbreaks are available, and so far as I know, when you select restore in iTunes it restores your phone to the OS present in your last backup.

If I am wrong, could someone please confirm, but I don't think iTunes forces you upgrade to iOS4 if you do a restore.
iOS4 has no jailbreak available, therefore you can't try and then restore if you have already updated.

If you have iPhone 3.1.2 or 3.1.3 then jailbreaks are available, and so far as I know, when you select restore in iTunes it restores your phone to the OS present in your last backup.

If I am wrong, could someone please confirm, but I don't think iTunes forces you upgrade to iOS4 if you do a restore.

I believe there already is a jb for iOS4. Haven't done it myself, but waiting to see it more mainstream before i jump in on my 3GS.

As for 3.1.2 it is jb-able with blackra1n
and 3.1.3 with spirit

You can restore your iPhone with iTunes after you make changes to the changelog on the iTunes you are using to restore. You will also have to have downloaded the OS version package you want to restore back to. When restoring, hold down the shift key while clicking on the restore button in iTunes and a browser window pops up, you locate your OS restore package (3.1.2 or 3.1.3) and start install.

If you simply choose restore, Apple forces you to latest OS. They don't sign certificates for previous OS versions. So unless you make changed to iTunes changelog, you won't be able to restore.

Lots of video on how to do this on the net. Google it.

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