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iPad has exceeded my expectations but still a few issues


iPF Novice
I was highly sceptical of the hype surrounding the iPad but still decided to order one one the first day pre-orders were made available in the UK and received the iPad a day before the expected delivery date. Anyway, I am loving the flexibility for the iPad. Its great for browsing, using YouTube, listening to music, etc. But the biggest asset for me is definitely the flexibility of being able to use it anywhere. Being able to switch between different applications is easy and quick.


However, there are still one or two problems with it. Why can't Apple just provide the ability to download Adobe flash because lot of the non-YouTube videos do not play. Couldn't they make a deal with Adobe because its quite a major frustration. The other day I wanted to watch a film on a site but couldn't because it did not have flash.

I want to watch a bit of the soccer world cup on the BBC website which shows live games but again they don't play on the iPad.

Also, why can't you use YouTube and surf at he same time or open multiple windows of the browser because I like to listen to music from YouTube and surf at the same time. But to use one, the other needs to stop.

Ipad is a great entertainment gadget but not really a serious productivity tool. I still use my desktop for all my work.

Also, I have done away with my iPad case. I love using it bare as it feels much more comfortable in the hands. The same applies to my iPod, although I rarely use the iPod now that I have the iPad. The only benefit with he case is if you want to put it on a table or a surface of some kind. I think it would have been better if there was a small stand on the back of the iPad that can be pulled out to make the iPad stand when using it on a table because I really don't like using the case.
As far as flash goes, it's not just a matter of Apple and Adobe "making a deal". There are many reasons Flash isn't available on the Ipad. Do a search and you'll see. If it was just a matter of Apple having an issue with Adobe, they wouldn't allow PDF files to be viewed either.

As for producticity, it's not a computer, therefore won't do everything you can on a comuter.

And for running multiple apps/programs, that's coming this fall or so.
As far as flash, like spin said, it's not coming via Apple so don't expect it to. This was in the news long before it was released so that shouldn't be a surprise.

And as for the productivity...the sooner you realize it wasn't mean to replace but rather to augment your desktop the more happy you'll be.
if you want to watch the world cup on BBC sign up with TVcatchup they have an iPad version which lets you watch many TV channels in the format the iPad can view. It's still in beta and not perfect but it will get better.

The non flash capability of the iPad, made me think whether or not I wanted it.. But I'm happy I decided to take the plunge..
I said the same thing too before I tried it, now I rarely miss it. The only website I miss it on is penguins.nhl.com. But even the main NHL.com page has converted to HTML5 for the iPad.
I agree with the above much that I have had my wifi iPad for a couple of weeks now I have not missed flash at all on the iPad. On my MacBook I have an application which turns it off so when surfing i find it is much faster if i want to watch flash i can click the image however in saying that since I took delivery of the iPad i have only used the MacBook twice. The last time apart from syncing and back up I needed to use a invoice program and finalize a quote to one of my Apple clients which I could not do on the iPad
The only problem I have had is finding a good method of doing quotes and invoicing with out purchasing file maker for the iPad however I think it is only a matter of time before some one provides it other than fm

While I am on the subject i can launch the iPad into several applications like news feeds ,this forum (safari ) pulse, the Australian (newspaper),mail so much faster Than on my Macbook it's not funny

The long and short of this for me accessing information on the web, reading books
playing games and reading email is a real pleasure and once Apple releases multitasking and also other features we all want I will be even happier

The iPad supplements my Macbook and is so much better than trying to use the iPhone 3GS and that is exactly what the iPad was designed to do.
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I hate flash and most of the adobe products (photo shop excluded). I wish they would just go away and stop making these products that are CPU hogs and open your computer to thousands of security flaws. Adobe was going to start doing quarterly updates and save all of the fixes for the quarterly updates but ended up having to scrap that due to the lart amound up updates and security risks that they had to patch ASAP or risk users computers being hacked.

Don't look at my next comment as just coming from another apple fanboy(i actualy just reacently started using macs for the first time).

Dont put your blame on apple for not supported flash. Put your blame on adobe. Up until the last few weeks flash player was available on pretty much zero cell phones. It hasnt been until adobe got mad at apple that they started pushing it for mobile phones and finaly are about to release it to android.

Right from Steves mouth. "We told adobe if you ever have this thing running fast(flash play), come back and show us. which they never did."

Flash is a CPU hog and would kill the battry life on any device that uses it as well as slow it down. plain and simple, not to mention that the device would then also be vulnerable to a number of hacks just like on PC's. Adobe has never really helped apple out with flash and they tend to update things for PC's and leave them out for the MAC or take for ever to update them. Now its turned around to bite them and I hope people open there eyes to this and stop using their products.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POIeZ5D4BkI]YouTube - Steve Jobs D8 Video [Thoughts on Flash 2010][/ame]
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The real problem is lazy sites, like the BBCs, which still ignore the growing number of mobile users and are failing to switch from flash.

I'm not surprised though as I find the BBC site to be badly designed and their treatment of technology to be woefully uninformed and patronizing.
BBC app only available in the US, but given the number of mobiles in the uk they are woefully slow at implementing change.

Plus the beta version of iPlayer is another annoyance.....
BBC app only available in the US, but given the number of mobiles in the uk they are woefully slow at implementing change.

Plus the beta version of iPlayer is another annoyance.....

I'm in Australia and i can download the BBC app fine?

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