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iPad 3 a big let down plus iPad 4 wish list

For me, the upgrade from Ipad One 64 GB wifi to Ipad 3 64 GB 3G was a big one. I push the Ipad and the One just couldn't handle it so I ended up doing soft resets several times a day after crashed and even had apps I couldn't use on Ipad 1. I agree if I had Ipad two I would probably have skipped this generation but I didn't and really really needed an upgrade. I'm very happy I got the better resolution too as I'm a photographer and quite truthfully don't know how anyone would miss the difference---and in text too.

Let me get this straight. Apple suckered buyers into buying an iPad (3rd Gen) because they offered the best display for any tablet ever made to date, a quad-core GPU to power it for any 3D application you can imagine and a proper LTE radio. All of this while keeping the price the same as the last generation and not affect the battery life enough to worry about?

Who are you trying to convince here? Yourself that the iPad 3 isn't worth it because you can't afford it?

Your argument doesn't fly with the number of units already sold and still being ordered. The iPad (3rd Gen) is selling on its merit of offering solid value for its capabilities.

BTW, anyone that says the iPad 2 screen is comparable to the iPad (3rd Gen) is one of three types of person.

1) Liar.
2) Needs glasses.
3) Legally blind.

Because the screen are night and day difference even at 4 feet from anyone that has 20/20 vision.
use Dropbox to ease the crunch. You can access anything when you need it.

I'm already filling up my 64gig with documents,nautical charts and media. Maybe they could offer an option to pay for more space like when you buy a laptop. So maybe having the option to upgrade up to 200gigs or 250gig for an additional fee would be nice. But overall I'm satisfied with my new iPad, it's a very good product.
I'm already filling up my 64gig with documents,nautical charts and media. Maybe they could offer an option to pay for more space like when you buy a laptop. So maybe having the option to upgrade up to 200gigs or 250gig for an additional fee would be nice. But overall I'm satisfied with my new iPad, it's a very good product.

That option already exists, you have the choice in storage space, it just caps out at 64 GB. You took the option of upgrading from a 16 GB version to the 64 GB version. Laptops are the same way, there is a limit to the size of hard drive that are offered as options.
Texas Holders said:
That option already exists, you have the choice in storage space, it just caps out at 64 GB. You took the option of upgrading from a 16 GB version to the 64 GB version. Laptops are the same way, there is a limit to the size of hard drive that are offered as options.

Your correct. Well maybe we could wish for the cap limit to be up to 200 or 300 gig for next gen iPad.
I just upgraded my ipad from an ipad 1 to the new ipad , one feature i think ipads are bad with is sound , why cant apple make it a stereo sound , still mono sound , so even watching movies on a better screen are useless because the sound is still mono , cheap androids have stereo sound on them , guess apple dont want a stereo ipad , the only problem i have on my ipad is a pinkish tint on the screen when i sit outside in the sun , walk back inside and the screen is normall again , as for the ipad sales , from ipad 1 to 2 it was sold out on day 1 in all the shops , but with the new ipad you can walk in any shop and find they are all in stock , the demand is less this time around , ipad 2 sales seem to be higher at the moment , probably the 100 less helps as the older models above 16gb are selling like hot cakes , reason i upgraded my old ipad 64gb to the new 64gb model was because of apps crashing due to low memory , well sadly some apps on the new ipad crash with the same problem , when you look under the diagnostics and usage reports it says low memory , thought the new ipad had a1gb memory , apart from the teething problems iam happy with the new ipad , was it worth the €699 ? No
And for 4g this will never work outside the usa , so not even the uk or europe will benefit from that feature , its best if you want 4g to wait for the next ipad as this might have the euopean frequecies , just be carefull with the next iphone as this will have the same problem ( no 4g or lte outside of the usa and canada )
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i think there is a BAD HABIT in the buy & trash times we are living

Ipad 3 = a BIG LET DOWN
but however the same people are shocked by the beauty and power of the v. 2
(since there is no steps backs in the v. 3, it is totally illogical to say that i would make love with the v. 2 but the v. 3 totally disappoints me)

it's a big let down for who sees things as ' I MUST UPGRADE every 6-12 months ' (some people for work might be right, some other people just get obsessed by upgrading every few seconds, not letting their old-lol- machines pass 1/5th of their lives - but business works like that, you gotta buy buy buy)

i would say that for who owns NO IPAD (1-2) or for who owns an IPAD (1) the IPAD 3 is a super piece of hardware,
but for who owns an Ipad (2) i see no sense to upgrade, unless you broke it, unless your company pays for it, unless someone gifts it to you

if the v3 is a big let down, dont spend 12 months saying that you love the 1 and 2, cos the 3 is better than both, and as for me
i wouldnt upgrade from ONE VER to the following ONE just for fun.

i was considering the v1 but said it wasnt worth the money (beta version of something not powerful)
i was posting here about the v2 and yes im gonna buy it, but changed my mind because yet, not totally ready as a final product
now i have paid the v3 and waiting for it, i am sure the v4 5 6 7 9 will be wonderful, but i wont spend one cent on the v4 (unless i was dumb)

i have got the Porsche with 4 wheels, but hey tomorrow the one with 5 wheels is coming, but hey next day the 6 wheels is coming

we should get real
things dont work like that (ofcourse who makes money hopes every person of this world buys all the 10 versions of the ipad 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) but dont get fooled
I can't say for sure that I won't buy the next gen iPad....it really depends on what features Apple adds. I must admit that there is not much I think the iPad needs...but 128GB would be nice...and it will be a question of what I can get for my gen 3 ipad to decide whether to buy the gen 4 iPad. I know lots of people use the every other year rule, but for me that only applies to phones, where I am contract locked. I'm not locked on an iPad and if I think the new features will benefit the way I work and live, then I'm upgrading. Rule or no rule. It's my life, I live it as I see fit.
AQ_OC said:
I can't say for sure that I won't buy the next gen iPad....it really depends on what features Apple adds. I must admit that there is not much I think the iPad needs...but 128GB would be nice...and it will be a question of what I can get for my gen 3 ipad to decide whether to buy the gen 4 iPad. I know lots of people use the every other year rule, but for me that only applies to phones, where I am contract locked. I'm not locked on an iPad and if I think the new features will benefit the way I work and live, then I'm upgrading. Rule or no rule. It's my life, I live it as I see fit.

I won't be the person if I do decide to get it to be standing in line or preordering I would be the guy sitting back and seeing how the iPad dose then go get it
The fact that some web pages don't load faster than others is a funny thing to me honestly. You can't test it like that. It has a faster processor, yes, but that is to keep up with the massive demand to run the retina display. It is a little faster overall from the iPad 2, do to the quadcore but it was beefed up to accomodate the screen.
I can't say for sure that I won't buy the next gen iPad....it really depends on what features Apple adds. I must admit that there is not much I think the iPad needs...but 128GB would be nice...and it will be a question of what I can get for my gen 3 ipad to decide whether to buy the gen 4 iPad. I know lots of people use the every other year rule, but for me that only applies to phones, where I am contract locked. I'm not locked on an iPad and if I think the new features will benefit the way I work and live, then I'm upgrading. Rule or no rule. It's my life, I live it as I see fit.

Agreed. I'll buy whatever gadgets I find useful, whenever I want them. I liked my iPhone 4, but I found enough difference for my uses, so I got iPhone 4S. I bought iPad 1 and 2, but am skipping the new iPad. I can afford gadgets without sweating the cost, but I buy only if I think I'll get my money's worth.
i think there is a BAD HABIT in the buy & trash times we are living

Ipad 3 = a BIG LET DOWN
but however the same people are shocked by the beauty and power of the v. 2
(since there is no steps backs in the v. 3, it is totally illogical to say that i would make love with the v. 2 but the v. 3 totally disappoints me)

it's a big let down for who sees things as ' I MUST UPGRADE every 6-12 months ' (some people for work might be right, some other people just get obsessed by upgrading every few seconds, not letting their old-lol- machines pass 1/5th of their lives - but business works like that, you gotta buy buy buy)

i would say that for who owns NO IPAD (1-2) or for who owns an IPAD (1) the IPAD 3 is a super piece of hardware,
but for who owns an Ipad (2) i see no sense to upgrade, unless you broke it, unless your company pays for it, unless someone gifts it to you

if the v3 is a big let down, dont spend 12 months saying that you love the 1 and 2, cos the 3 is better than both, and as for me
i wouldnt upgrade from ONE VER to the following ONE just for fun.

i was considering the v1 but said it wasnt worth the money (beta version of something not powerful)
i was posting here about the v2 and yes im gonna buy it, but changed my mind because yet, not totally ready as a final product
now i have paid the v3 and waiting for it, i am sure the v4 5 6 7 9 will be wonderful, but i wont spend one cent on the v4 (unless i was dumb)

i have got the Porsche with 4 wheels, but hey tomorrow the one with 5 wheels is coming, but hey next day the 6 wheels is coming

we should get real
things dont work like that (ofcourse who makes money hopes every person of this world buys all the 10 versions of the ipad 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) but dont get fooled

This post reminds me of why I spent four years in the USAF. To protect everyone's freedom of speech regardless of how far of kilter from reality it is.

There are only two types of people when it comes to electronic devices. The people that buy it and the people that don't.

In each one of those group is thousands of reasons and/or excuses to be in that group.

But to say there is a "Bad habit ... in these times" is simply ignorance at work. A person can either afford to buy or not. If they can and choose to every single year, GOOD FOR THEM. There is nothing wrong with that. The device before met its needs/wants and now a new device is purchased to continue and further that need/want.

The reality that passed your logic by is simple; "Those that can afford do. Those that can't either wait and save or do without."

That is a FACT that your OPINION can never undermine or change the reality of.

BTW - "we should get real things dont work like that".... Yes they do. People do it EVERY SINGLE DAY. That is a fact that you can never prove wrong.
Some people simply can't see the visual difference in the screens... it's like HDTV. My mother doesn't see what the big difference is between SD on a 32" tube and 1080p on a 70" screen. She's not "visually attuned" per se.

I upgraded from Gen 1 to Gen 3 iPad and the difference in the screen is like night and day to me, especially on printed (Kindle, other docs) matter, especially in small typefaces. However, when I've shown it to others, the reactions range from "WOW!!!" like my reaction is, to "I don't see what the big deal is." Different visibility thresholds I guess.

As much as I am not a fan of the Apple iUniverse and the fanboyism that tends to permeate many Apple vs. Windows discussions, I have to admit that I am very pleasently surprised by the iPad 3, specifically that Apple was willing to put in a display with 4 times the pixels at the same price point as previous generations. Most other makers would have upcharged for that, especially considering the higher QC reject rates (hence high manufacturing costs) when you increase screen resolution.

I personally think Apple hit a homerun with this new iPad... it establishes a new benchmark for other makers to strive for.

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