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Internet through my blackberry


iPF Noob
My work supplies me with a Blackberry. I can browse the web and be connected to the Internet and they're ok with that.

So is there anyway to take advantage of this leniency, by connecting it to my iPad and having Internet through the blacberry?


All the blackberry tethering programs I have seen require you to plug the BB in and install drivers, obviously you can't do that with the iPad.
All the blackberry tethering programs I have seen require you to plug the BB in and install drivers, obviously you can't do that with the iPad.

Even VZWAccess through Verizon? I don't seem to remember having to install drivers when I was using it to tether my work laptop, but that was a few months back, maybe something's changed.

You did have to install the application, not sure if that's available through the app store, doubt it.
What does that have to do with a Blackberry phone? Not to mention that's for an air card. Where would you plug that in to the iPad?

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