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How to delete apps from Ipad without Itunes?


iPF Noob
I'm a PC guy, used to right click and also manage my apps from a central add/remove programs perspective.

I downloaded and installed a bunch of apps and books using Installous for instance.
I want to delete some of them, but I don't see anywhere on the Ipad how to achieve this.

These apps were added to Ipad without Itunes and I don't have access to my PC wiehere my Itunes resides anyway (traveling).

How do I remove apps from Ipad without going through Itunes?

Download cydelete from cydia and do it the same way you would a regular app.by the way, asking about how to work with illegal apps is against the tos of this site...but since you were asking how to delete them I answered. ;)
Thank you. I am looking for Cydelete right now.

And BTW, just because an Ipad is jailbroken, does not automatically imply that the software being loaded is illegal, but I take your point :)
And BTW, just because an Ipad is jailbroken, does not automatically imply that the software being loaded is illegal, but I take your point :)
All apps on installous are illegaly cracked and distributed.
Do you steal CD's/DVD's from your local BestBuy as well?
Not getting into this conversation as that was not the point of the thread, which has been answered, but:
I was not aware that ALL content on that repos was illegal and that it does not contain any shareware or freeware so thank you for enlightening me :)
Trying to uninstall LEGAL applications

I installed apps from the iPad Apps tool. These are either Free or paid for apps. The problem is: having installed directly to iPad, iTunes is clueless about it (no surprise there - like how tough is it for the app to manage apps on the iPad no matter where they came from and validate authenticity!)

I need to UNINSTALL some of these. Of course, Apple never thought of that possibility. So what application, legal or otherwise will remove the @#$$% stuff from the iPad that I LEGALLY put there and don't want any more?

Thanks in advance
Apple did consider this and it's easy. Hold your finger on the app until it starts to jiggle then hit the x in the red circle. Done.
Apple did consider this and it's easy. Hold your finger on the app until it starts to jiggle then hit the x in the red circle. Done.

hahaha! U killer... :D Any Bada user knows that! My X'sare in a black circle by the way!

I installed the tron legacy app. Now I had a update and dont want it anymore. So now the icon says waiting. So I can't get no X to delete it. I tried every trick. Like the hold down power buttons then slide. It just won't X

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