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How can I keep the first page blank?


iPF Noob
Here's my problem. I have gridlock installed and all of my apps are in folders except for the task bar. I have about 8 folders in all, which I move to the second page so that way the first page is blank and all you see is the wallpaper (don't know why but I like it set up like this). It seems that every time I respring or install an update from Cydia that doesn’t require a respring all of the folders move to the first page. I swear that it has even done it a few times when I have not performed a respring or Cydia update but not 100% on that. Anyways, is there a tweak to prevent all of the folders being moved back to the first page? It's really getting annoying having to move my folders back all the time. It does this on both my iPad and iPhone. Thanks in advance for any advice!
Yeah, the iDevices hate you to have blank screens in the beginning or the middle. This is whether the iPad is stock or not - Apple won't let you skip pages. The only thing I have ever found to work is a kind of work-a-round. Here's what I did:

Install InfiniBoard and Gridlock. Then, take any icon (I used a Safari-created "Add to Homescreen" bookmark so I wouldn't actually lose sight of one of my apps) and, with your board set in "wiggle" mode, move that icon so it's permanent spot is below the dock (Infiniboard will let you have an app that scrolls below the dock; Gridlock will keep it where you put it).

Then, once you stop the wiggling, that app will be permanently below the dock until/unless you scroll the page to bring it into view.

But, with it below the dock - and being the ONLY icon on that page - it will appear as if the page is empty. So, you are free to admire your wallpaper...

That's the only "trick" I know to have an empty page. Maybe someone else will have a better idea...

Hope this helped.

Thanks for the tip Mickey330, I'll have to give that a try. In the past I used to have iBlank (I think that's what it's called, would create fake icons to take up spots and dissapear once you stopped the wiggling) and I would fill up the first page with them to force the second page but stopped doing that when gridlock came out.

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