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Hoping for a Jailbreak

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iPF Noob
Feb 13, 2010
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It took an awful long time to get an untethered JB for the iPad 2 . I am hoping we get a quick JB for the new iPad. I have been jailbreaking idevices for 5 years now and I just gotta have my JB ! May the hacking gods be kind and give
Us A JB quickly. What I will miss the most is iFile and Safari download.
I, too, join you in hoping for a quick jail break for the new iPad.

However, since we have an iPad3 jail break thread running (here: http://www.ipadforums.net/showthread.php?t=68050), I'm going to close this thread to keep all the wants, hopes and "hurry up!" comments all in one place. Also, it's a good thread to keep up to date on the latest news concerning any developments...

Thanks for your understanding.

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