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iPF Noob
Apr 13, 2010
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New guy here.
Name is Jim, I likely as not will not post much, as I came here to learn.
As the iPad is such a new device, I suspect a lot of people will be looking to learn about it.
I'm Retired after 24 years in the U S Navy (Tricky with that screen name, huh?? :) )Currently live in Colorado, a bit North of Denver.
Bought the iPad in the hopes that it will be something that my disabled wife can use easier then a regular laptop. So far, other then not having figured out how to do my own local WiFi, the thing is much more what she needs then the laptops we have tried. Her hands don't work so well, and the touch screen keyboard is excellent.
Anyway, that's all of the story I care to share, or expect anyone else would want to hear about.
Hope to meet a few decent folks, and be seen as same by others.
Have a good whatever time it is wherever you are,
Choosing, for a change, to not be a total smarty......I'm fairly certain that your 'offer' to let you know if there is
anything you wonder about
is very open ended.
However, as I said at the beginning, I'll choose, this time anyway, to NOT be my typical self. ;)
One of several things I don't see an easy/obvious answer to.....things I have on any one of several other digital storage devices, HDD in desktop computer, HDD in laptop, HDD from older laptop-but removed, external HDD, mem sticks, even some self burned DVDs. I want to at least have the option to move them to the iPad, particularly those that I have paid for in the past, and don't want to 'buy' again. I also have many hours of recording off of television, grabbed with Media Center on an older (2+ years old now) HP desktop machine. Is there some built-in conversion program with iTunes, or should I be looking for some third party converter? I have a program called LeKuSoft DVD Ripper which has a boat load of formats it converts from/to...but the whole intent of the program, as indicated by the name, is to burn a DVD. I really don't want to waste the time and DVDs burning a converted video file to iPad format, (BTW, what IS the native format that the iPad video player wants to see?) just so I can then move it to the iPad. Which assumes that once I have a DVD in whatever format iPad wants to see, iTunes will 'allow' me to move it to the iPad. (I say that because I downloaded a free excerpt of a Shaun White interview, and it plays fine on the computer, but iTunes won't let me move it to the iPad.) I'll end up with multiple copies of multiple formats of the same thing. And who needs 15 copies, in numerous formats, stored across several devices. All for the possibly that I'll decided later that the darn thing sucked anyway!!
OK, that's probably far more then enough, and I'll bet that the answer has already been posted somewhere else on the site. But you asked if there was anything I wondered about!! And getting content onto the iPad, without access, yet, to WiFi, is something that I wonder about!!
Thanks in advance, for any assistance or direction you might provide,

ETA: Of course, if you use your brain, and authorize the iPad as a computer...then iTune bought apps and content transfers over so much easier!!
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Don't know about the above post but.....

Welcome Jim! What issues are you having connecting with WIFI? In general the iPad is about the easiest device i've seen to get online with.....

If you have WIFI in your home you should be able to go to settings/WIFI and turn it on. Then click on your's when it pops up. After the first time it should do it automatically from then on. This is assuming you have working WIFI in your home.

Some apps (Goodreads for example) also allow drag and drop in iTunes. While your device is connected to iTunes, select it from the menu on the left side..... This click on the "apps" tab. If you have any apps installed that use this feature, they will show up if you scroll down on the screen. For example with Goodreads I add PDF files by going to the folder I have them in on my PC, and just drag and drop them into the box for Goodreads content. At this time there are not many apps that use this feature though.....

First thing you need to do is get that WIFI working :)
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Welcome to the site, hope to see you around!!!:)

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