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Email issues

I'm not familiar with at&t accounts myself -so i was happy that the simple restart helped her!
Thanks-the OP was able to fix the problem with a restart. Please see above.
So, I'm back again..... Got on to check emails this morning and got that same message and no emails...what the heck is going on? I have an sbcglobal account as well and getting emails on that account but not the att account.
I know that some servers (especially POP accounts) don't allow more than want computer/device to be logged on at at a time. If you've got a computer you normally leave logged into email, try shutting down that client and waiting several minutes for it's session to time out.

Maybe you can find a clue we are missing form Apple's support site: Apple - Support - iPad - Mail Assistant
So, I'm back again..... Got on to check emails this morning and got that same message and no emails...what the heck is going on? I have an sbcglobal account as well and getting emails on that account but not the att account.

Hi Vicki -

I'm going through the same thing with my MSN/Hotmail account. I even added an AOL account and got the same thing. I tried everything you tried, and nothing worked.

Did you ever resolve your issues?

We're going to the Apple Store on Friday to see if someone there can resolve these issues. I'm so tired, I'm going to bed.

I'll let you know what we find out.

I had a similar thing happening with my yahoo account on my iBook. I logged into my yahoo account, went to mail inbox, clicked on options/mail options and then selected Pop and Forwarding from the side options. . Check that box Acess Yahoo! Mail via POP
, and it's all worked fine for me since then.
Just a suggestion anyway. Hope it works.
Hi Vicki -

I'm going through the same thing with my MSN/Hotmail account. I even added an AOL account and got the same thing. I tried everything you tried, and nothing worked.

Did you ever resolve your issues?

We're going to the Apple Store on Friday to see if someone there can resolve these issues. I'm so tired, I'm going to bed.

I'll let you know what we find out.


I finally got my hubby's ipad 2 mail working again. Maybe it's just a coincidence, but I created an msn.com account and a hotmail.com account, both with the same password (WITHOUT the # character), and saved both with the "ON" button. It appears the ipad 2 does not recognize the # character.

Now, if I can only figure out how to keep the inbox messages from automatically opening and displaying the messages. I don't open any messages that I suspect could contain a virus or spyware. Can anyone help me? I have the "Preview" setting at "None," but it doesn't work.

I have not.. However, if I shut it off at night and then back on in the morning I sometimes get a couple emails but that is it...good luck, I may ave to do the same thing.
I finally got my hubby's ipad 2 mail working again. Maybe it's just a coincidence, but I created an msn.com account and a hotmail.com account, both with the same password (WITHOUT the # character), and saved both with the "ON" button. It appears the ipad 2 does not recognize the # character.

Now, if I can only figure out how to keep the inbox messages from automatically opening and displaying the messages. I don't open any messages that I suspect could contain a virus or spyware. Can anyone help me? I have the "Preview" setting at "None," but it doesn't work.


Hi, iuki. You received an answer to this question here (in a post you started): http://www.ipadforums.net/showthread.php?t=66556

Please refrain from having the same question going across multiple posts in the forum. Not only does it fragment the conversation, making it hard to follow, it's against the forum rules. So, pease, keep all answers and follow-up over in the other [linked] thread. Thanks.

Finally, I think the problem is fixed I just hope I don't jinx myself writing this... I totally deleted the att account, cleared history and cookies again? Then I went to my desktop and changed my password again and then back to my iPad and set up a new account using the same att email address with the new password so far so good.. Thank you everyone for all the great advise.
Glad to hear that it finally started to work for you with clearing cookies and such!!

Enjoy your iPad!
I am so back at it again only this time I am having outgoing email issues

Te connection to the outgoing server "smtp.att.yahoo.com" failed additional outgoing mail servers can be configured in settings. I've done that and nothing seem to work.
Forgive me for adding this latest to this thread. I couldn't for the life of me find where I type in a new thread.

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