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iPF Noob
Jan 28, 2012
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I love my iPad but I'm finding that my finger tips get uncomfortably tingly from it. Has anyone else experienced this?
Ive had quite the opposite problem, with my laptop my eyes go numb after awhile. Have you tried a Bluetooth keyboard yet?
I love my iPad but I'm finding that my finger tips get uncomfortably tingly from it. Has anyone else experienced this?

Hi Keysey - welcome to the forum! :)

Personally, I find the 'on-screen keyboard' of the iPad irritating for prolonged typing - others seem to get use to the feature - maybe a personal decision? I'm now taking my iPad 'on the road' (w/ local Wi-Fi connections available at the places we stay) instead of a laptop - have an Apple BT (Bluetooth) keyboard and that combination works out fine for us; SO if you are trying to type a LOT into your iPad, I would strongly suggest that you investigate BT KB options - good luck and please let us know your solution!

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