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Could somebody please explain the difference in protective cases?


iPF Noob
Jul 18, 2011
Reaction score
Blackburn in NW of . . . . . . . . . . . . Engl
Hi guys,
Listen, I know I'm old and stupid but all these new-fangled words that describe the materials that covers are made of are driving me insane. When push comes to shove, all I really want in a case is something that gives me access to all the buttons and allows me to put my iPad2 down on the table without picking up a free scratch. If the case makes the iPad2 easier to grip, even better.
I word that I was once happy with when buying a case for an old Sony Ericsson phone was "Gel" and if there is a similar case for the iPad2, I'll take it.
Could some kind soul please take a peek on eBay.co.uk and point me in the right direction?
Thanks very much, Gabriel.
It has been bought. If it falls apart I shall be knocking on your door (Not really) :)
Maybe I should have mentioned that my iPad2 is white but a black cover makes no difference.

ps .... I feel all dirty now that I broke your 100 cherry, lol

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