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Big WiFi performance improvement


iPF Noob
May 13, 2010
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Hey I just wanted 2 throw this out there in case it might help anyone else. I've been using my iPad 2day with our WiFi and its been okay but pretty slow actually. It's stalled a couple of times but never really disconnected (just sometimes took a long time 2 open web pages or whatever).

Anyways, I noticed something really interesting. Even tho the WiFi was working, I went into the settings and turned off auto-brightness and WOW. All of a sudden (and instantly) I got a HUGE performance improvement with WiFi. My web pages are opening hugely fast now and my comics downloads (was gettin some comics from the Comixology "Comics" app) were super fast compared to what they were b4.

It SEEMS that just turning off auto-brightness made this big improvement. If anyone else is having slow WiFi issues can u try this and see if this works? It would be really good 2 know for peeps who are having slow connections. :)
That is very interesting..... Who knows, maybe it's why I've never has a problem as I turned the auto brightness off the first thing when I got mine......
mmm, weird that one, can't see any reason at all why turning that off would make that improve.

Hopefully Apples fix should be here soon.
mmm, weird that one, can't see any reason at all why turning that off would make that improve.

Hopefully Apples fix should be here soon.

Apple has confirmed that brightness has something to do with it though.

Cool tip Krew!
Hmmmm..... I just read this post, turned off auto brightness and.......it does seem to be faster! Power of suggestion perhaps?
Very odd.

I wasn't experiencing any issues with my wifi speeds however I deiced to give this a test.

I ran three speed test on my ipads wifi speeds, then turned off auto brightness and ran three more speed test. The result was 6 times faster speeds with auto brightness off.
I use auto brightness, but I also set the slider to 0, I've never had wifi issues. Could be why.
I was consistently having trouble re-acquiring my wifi connection at home after using the sleep button. Since turning off the auto sensor, not a problem.
Turning off auto-brightness was a huge improvement for me too! I totally could not start a Netflix movie on my iPad (but Netflix worked great on my MacBook on the same wifi network) until I turned off auto-brightness. Now Netflix works fine on the iPad.

Autobrightness never seemed to work anyway, so I'm happy to turn it off.

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