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Andorid meets iPad


iPF Noob
Jun 14, 2010
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
I purchased my ipad this past Sunday. It was pretty easy decision for me to purchase wifi version over 3G version thanks to my google nexus one.

I ditched iPhone to use android and it was really good decision.
Now i don't have to worry nor deal with AT&T's terrible rate and still unable to tether with iPhone. With Froyo (android 2.2) My iPad is online everywhere =)

I'm loving this new iPad and i wonder what i would feel without 3G connection anywhere i go. It'd been crippled experience.
I also use my Droid to WiFi tether. Welcome to the club :D
I use my G1 and Wifi Tether. Works great plus i can use it as a hotspot for my laptop as well as my wives ipad as well. :)
I purchased an iPad 64 gb WiFi the day before the 3G iPad was released. My daughter told me I should have waited and got the 3G version... no way..

I got a Sprint 4G Overdrive MiFi box... works really nice on 4G, way better than 3G speeds. The Sprint 4G is unlimited data, currently. Yeah, I know, it's a bit more money than 3G, but my employer pays for it.
I also use my droid as a wifi hotspot for my iPad. It is nirvana!
Yeah I'm the same way when I first got my iPad froyo wasn't out yet and I didn't want to root my nexus to thether I instead waited for froyo. Ever since froyo love having 3G with my wifi iPad. There is not better combo! I'm still getting the iPhone 4, and still keeping my nexus one for tethering!

I am jealous the your job pays for you overdrive. I want that!
I purchased an iPad 64 gb WiFi the day before the 3G iPad was released. My daughter told me I should have waited and got the 3G version... no way..

I got a Sprint 4G Overdrive MiFi box... works really nice on 4G, way better than 3G speeds. The Sprint 4G is unlimited data, currently. Yeah, I know, it's a bit more money than 3G, but my employer pays for it.

ah 4G!!!! i'm so jealous now. lol
I am jealous of everyone with a droid. I refuse to pay 49.00 for tether berry. I am hoping for an early upgrade from vzw so I can finally ditch BB.
I am jealous of everyone with a droid. I refuse to pay 49.00 for tether berry. I am hoping for an early upgrade from vzw so I can finally ditch BB.

According to what I read, tether berry doesn't work for now either. You have to JB the iPad and get ibluever on Cydia. Then download PDAnet for BB, before the tether can work.

I'm a Nexus owner on Froyo as well, it's working really great. :D
I am jealous of everyone with a droid. I refuse to pay 49.00 for tether berry. I am hoping for an early upgrade from vzw so I can finally ditch BB.

Call them up, you never know. I am less than a year into my contract and two weeks ago ordered the HTC Incredible at the 1 year contract price. Can't hurt to try. Only problem is, I am still waiting for it to be delivered because of the backlog on the DInc. Hopefully I'll have it by the weekend. I did this over the phone. In the corporate store I got nowhere. Give it a shot, good luck.
The moved my upgrade date up for the DI. But I'm going to be out of the country for four weeks so I'm just going to wait until I get back.

The DI is rooted with WiFi tether now.
I also use wifi tether on my Droid to get free VZW 3G for my iPad and it works great.
The moved my upgrade date up for the DI. But I'm going to be out of the country for four weeks so I'm just going to wait until I get back.

The DI is rooted with WiFi tether now.

Is the root process updated yet, or is it still somewhat difficult for a f%&*ing amateur like myself?
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVHj6J2uCKo"]YouTube - HTC Droid Incredible Root in 10mins[/ame]

It's not exactly a walk in the park but this is a pretty good video.
That's a good idea. Thanks.

I am jealous of everyone with a droid. I refuse to pay 49.00 for tether berry. I am hoping for an early upgrade from vzw so I can finally ditch BB.

Call them up, you never know. I am less than a year into my contract and two weeks ago ordered the HTC Incredible at the 1 year contract price. Can't hurt to try. Only problem is, I am still waiting for it to be delivered because of the backlog on the DInc. Hopefully I'll have it by the weekend. I did this over the phone. In the corporate store I got nowhere. Give it a shot, good luck.

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