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iPad droid tether??


iPF Noob
Can I tether my iPad to my eris without jail breaking the iPad? Also can it be done without rooting the eris? I'm wanting to buy a iPad but want to make sure I can tether so I don't have to drop the extra green on a 3G. So if I can do this how do I do it? I'm ok with rooting the eris if I have to but I also herd with droid 2.2 u can do it without having to root or jailbreak anything is that true?
You can use Pdanet and don't have to root Android or jailbreak your iPad. It works great with Android 2.2 and 2.1

PdaNet -- USB Tether/Bluetooth DUN for Android

PdaNet won't work, as it requires a USB connection to the device that requires internet.

You will need to Root the phone to get SuperUser Access and install a WiFi tether program.

(Took me 10 minutes to root my Droid)

Wrong. Pdanet works just fine over Bluetooth Dial Up Networking (DUN). It does NOT require a USB connection. I use it on my wife's WiFi only iPad and my Droid Incredible (not rooted) all of the time. Please do your homework before you give out wrong answers.
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You can use Pdanet and don't have to root Android or jailbreak your iPad. It works great with Android 2.2 and 2.1

PdaNet -- USB Tether/Bluetooth DUN for Android

PdaNet won't work, as it requires a USB connection to the device that requires internet.

You will need to Root the phone to get SuperUser Access and install a WiFi tether program.

(Took me 10 minutes to root my Droid)

Wrong. Pdanet works just fine over Bluetooth Dial Up Networking (DUN). It does NOT require a USB connection. I use it on my wife's WiFi only iPad and my Droid Incredible (not rooted) all of the time. Please do your homework before you give out wrong answers.

I was under the understanding that the iPad has the default blue-tooth code disabled that it would need to tether correctly.

I have read that you need to Jailbreak the iPad and install ibluever app to get this to work.

Are you getting it to connect via PDAnet to an iPad out of the box (neither device jail-broken)? This would be helpful to alot of users, but has a much lower connection speed than WiFi....
The only thing about PDA Net is the free version doesn't allow you to access https (secured) websites, and you have to pay (if I recall correctly, Robert can correct me if I am wrong) 29.99 or something per month to use it to access all websites (unless something has changed since it first came out).

Rooting your Droid Incredible and installing WiFi tether takes ten minutes, and you don't pay a dime more than your existing data plan.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVHj6J2uCKo"]YouTube - HTC Droid Incredible Root in 10mins[/ame]

That being said, you can't be a complete novice with computers or you will be completely lost in the first couple of minutes.

If you have a Moto Droid, however, the process is even 10x easier and doesn't require using the ADB shell program to work. The HTC DI will get to that point but they just achieved root a couple of weeks ago and still are streamlining the process.

Not to mention I'm going to guess that WiFi tether gets higher connection speeds. If I am in a full bar 3G area, my Moto Droid will max out around 32-35MBps download, usually hovering around 17-20MBps. I believe (and again I could be wrong) the highest BT transfer you can get is 24MBps, and of course you aren't going to see the max.

EDIT: I found a thread on the PDANet forums that say the expected transfer rate using the program is only between 300-600kbps. VERY slow.
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I'm so curious about wifi tethering, do you think it would work here in the Philippines. I never heard it being done here. I asked around and they have this blanked expression on their faces.???
A buddy of mine has Nexus One with Android 2.2. It has tethering built in to the os. The other day he set up a wifi hot spot with it, and I was able to connect to the net, no problem. Worked up to 50 or 60 feet from the phone.

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