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2 things missing from iPad that really annoy me

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iPF Noob
May 31, 2010
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1. A manual screen brightness on the side and
2. Speakers on each side of the iPad

I really can't see how these things got through testing. As the iPad is awesome to read things from, going into settings to adjust brightness is just sooo annoying. If they're in Gen 2, I'll be so annoyed.

Also getting us to pay for word processing software etc is a bit cheeky considering it's sold as a productivity tool also.

Sort it out Jobs! Otherwise congrats on a (mostly) awesome product.
SBSettings on a jailbroken iPad makes changing the bightness easy. But that's just one more set of buttons to accidentally touch on the side. I'm glad it's software controlled.

Name another device besides a computer monitor that adjusts brightness based off of a hardware button.
Auto brightness works OK for me....or I pot it up to full when I'm watching video before I start the stream.
Name another device besides a computer monitor that adjusts brightness based off of a hardware button.

Most laptops, in fact on a Mac it is a single button, you don't even have to press a function key.

I've found opening iBooks to be the quickest way to adjust the brightness, and though I wouldn't want hardware buttons, just having the brightness available in video apps would solve all of my problems.
1. A manual screen brightness on the side and
2. Speakers on each side of the iPad

Can't really argue with those.... Sort of like on the iPhone a wish there was a WIFI switch because I leave it off most of the time for battery life, but then have to go through all those steps to turn it on when I do need it....... actually that is not such a big problem anymore since I use the iPad instead of the iPhone for web now.....
True I guess I wasn't thinking about laptops. That being said, any laptop I've owned required the function key....never seen one with a dedicated hardware button for it.

I should have said what mobile device, as in pocket PC, cell phone, slate, etc.
1. A manual screen brightness on the side and
2. Speakers on each side of the iPad

Can't really argue with those.... Sort of like on the iPhone a wish there was a WIFI switch because I leave it off most of the time for battery life, but then have to go through all those steps to turn it on when I do need it....... actually that is not such a big problem anymore since I use the iPad instead of the iPhone for web now.....
One thing that's much better about Android phones - widgets. I have a widget on my home screen on my Droid that allows me to control the following with only one button press: brightness, GPS, sync, WiFi, and Bluetooth. And you can create shortcuts to do more.
1. A manual screen brightness on the side and
2. Speakers on each side of the iPad

Can't really argue with those.... Sort of like on the iPhone a wish there was a WIFI switch because I leave it off most of the time for battery life, but then have to go through all those steps to turn it on when I do need it....... actually that is not such a big problem anymore since I use the iPad instead of the iPhone for web now.....
One thing that's much better about Android phones - widgets. I have a widget on my home screen on my Droid that allows me to control the following with only one button press: brightness, GPS, sync, WiFi, and Bluetooth. And you can create shortcuts to do more.

I was just about to say that it would also be nice to have quick brightness adjust on the iPhone as well - no widgets there, although with the OS 4.0 I am running on my phone I can leave settings running in the background and get to it without leaving the program I am currently running.
Widgets are definitely something Apple is missing out on.
Widgets are definitely something Apple is missing out on.

Actually I think Apple, as usual, invented them. There is something in OS-X called dashboard (and it's been around since before widgets), which is just like widgets, little apps that run in the background, only thing on an Apple you have to hit a key to make them all appear, which is fine with me since my desktop is always covered with stuff anyhow. I have ones for weather, calendars, wikipedia, calculator, converter, etc.

Now they just need to give us those on portable devices.
While it is true that not many devices do have hardware brightness control, c'mon this is apple..they normally think of this stuff. As a major contender in the ebook sector now, the iPad will likely take over the kindle for ebooks and having a manual adjuster on the side for late night reading is really a no brainer. I'm sure 2nd gen will have it.
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