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Winterboard for iPad


iPF Noob
Has anyone been able to succeed in installing a Winterboard Theme for iPads? Iv'e been trying to install one for hours and i continue to get an error message! My iPad is obviously jailbroken, and I've got Cydia in.. help! Or tips. Any feedback on this would be nice :).
It does not run on the iPad yet. Why is it needed ? Isn't it redundant? iPad does what winter board is for , at least for the most part right?
So from what we can gather it does work but has some little flaws as you said you can not get boss paper to work well.
Winterboard has many issues on the iPad. One of them that I an others have seen is not being able to rearrange app icons after winterboard is installed. The icon flips upside down and moves in the opposite direction that your finger moves.

I just tried the new updated version that they just put out and I still get the same thing.

I'm also wondering how bad it will effect the battery drain on the iPads.
Battery drain is the main thing I want to find out about many different people say different things so guess I will just have to try it for myself and see how it is.
greymon163 said:
I tried many times but doesn't work on mine

Hold on. Winterboard works exactly as it is supposed to on iPad. Not all aspects of current 4.3.x OS are currently themeable, but the issue is whether a theme has been correctly designed for iPad or not.
Winterboard works. However 99% of themes are designed for IPHONE.

Hope that clarifies things.
I like the bigboss fantasy theme for the iphone. Is there a similar theme for the ipad? I just got one and I'm trying to find some good themes.
winter oard works fine. just make sure the themem you looking at is for the ipad. it usually has ipad somewhere in the title.

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