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Whats in store for the ip4


iPF Noob
Feb 23, 2012
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It won't be so long until we here the rumors swelling over the ip4. Remember how soon ip3 chatter started after last April?
What do you guys think it will contain? I really though ip3 would turn tablets in a whole new direction. Slide out keyboard, curved glass , two sided screen maybe?
Retina display ,no physical home button ,possible quad core processing ,better cameras, better battery...who knows before the 7th what other goodies we can expect to see but somehow I was hoping for a bigger cool factor. Never the less, this is going to be lots of fun only not for the other tablet makers.
One thing is certain. There is a very bright future for tablets, and computer systems in general. Just when you thought it had to slow down, technology goes into warp drive.

The next few years are going to be very interesting indeed.
I heard a piece on "Google Goggles" on NPR. They are a little clunky these days but I think that might be the NBT. That or a chip in our heads.
I expect one day it will be a piece of clear plastic which you roll out and type on. Maybe it will be in a piece of clothing, easily removed, like a sleeve. So light it would be easily lost so then you would have to buy another one.

Sent from my one and only original iPad using iPF
I said this when the first iPad came out, we are now closer to the possibility of this and It should not be long.

I'm waiting for cars to start coming with an iPad dock where the radio normally is. All radio and other controls would be controlled from a custom app made for the car. Also they iPad would not only be used for GPS navigation, but you would just choose your destination and the iPad would control the car, in effect it would drive you to your destination.

With the card driving us, no more people being killed from texting while driving. Also even if a drunk driver was to drive home while under the influence, the card would be the one doing the driving. Safer for everyone, Google is already testing their self driving cars.
You heard it here first!

My guesses:
- quad core processor
- same high resolution screen
- MUCH flatter and lighter case, full aluminum
- dual front camera for face tracking
- automated SIRI activation (though, that's more software/iOS 6)
- backup, slow, solar charger

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