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Gunny008 said:
How about a chat/ social area where people can ask questions related to the iPad and get an instant answer?

I love this idea!! But the chartroom can't use flash or else we won't be able to access it :(

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Keep the humor! This place is a great blend of fun, tech advice, and just enjoyment of a device we all enjoy. And I happen to enjoy the moderators equal participation in discussions.
I'm new to the forum, but not Apple products. I'd like to see the forum continue to be what it has been during my experience thus far--helpful, friendly, professional, humorous, and insightful. I'm grateful for places like these. Much respect to the developers.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
thanks, sorry for my ignorance, what do you mean by User CP key? when I click there 4 buttons show up...
Becky15349 said:
I love this idea!! But the chartroom can't use flash or else we won't be able to access it :(

Sent from my iPad using iPF

Unless the chat was added into the app, but that might alienate mon iPad users who use the forum. But I guess the majority who come here everyday do have ipads
How about having a self destruct feature for any posting that mentions Flash?:) Lock any starting topic that mentions it, and if a post mentions it, replace the post with a great big DENIED DUE TO SUBJECT OVERLOAD.

But what happens to my Super Hero Dating Site? Suppose Mr. Gordon wants a date for Saturday night and just mentioning his first name gets him deleted?

(Big Smiley)

How about having a self destruct feature for any posting that mentions Flash?:) Lock any starting topic that mentions it, and if a post mentions it, replace the post with a great big DENIED DUE TO SUBJECT OVERLOAD.

But what happens to my Super Hero Dating Site? Suppose Mr. Gordon wants a date for Saturday night and just mentioning his first name gets him deleted?

(Big Smiley)


That's hilarious! Both you two crack me up! Sea ~ how did I miss that post? Too funny ~

Could you imagine?

I'm sick of hearing......iPad.........flash.....is...no.....And.....won't....in.....iOS...5!

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