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Welcome International members


Staff member
Mar 25, 2010
Reaction score
Gold Coast , Queensland Australia
Welcome to ipad forums :)
It seems we have many users from all over the globe that I have not had the pleasure to meet so just to let you know we have an International iPad Users forum in Regional iPad Groups just for you.

As you are aware most of us will not have Apple ipad released until late April or much later

I ask all of our international members to come to the International forum and let us hear your views and comments and if you do not mind complete the following:

a) Where you are from : Country, City
b) Do you own an ipad if so what model
c) If you are going to buy an ipad if so what model
d) When do you expect to receive your ipad if you are buying one
e) Are there any specific concerns you have relative to your country and Apple ipad or Apple in general that we may answer
f) Do you own a stand alone Apple Macintosh or PC and what type that has itunes on it.
g) Which itunes store do you use? ( Country )
h) Finally what would you like this forum to provide to you as an international member

We are here to assist and answer questions and most importantly help you enjoy the forum.

Down under in Brisbane Australia
Time Thursday 9th April 10: 22 pm
Last edited:
i do the 1st shot :D

patiently waitin,
lookin @ 32G wifi
wil b waitin for the aussie launch & askin a relative's help
nt for now to (e)
imac & macbk
an exchg of ideas & supports wif regards to the idevices

mike & cheers to every1 here!

I am from Cardiff In Wales (uk)
Still waiting
Going for the 64G WiFi - Cant see the need or justified cost of a 3g data model
Who knows - hoping for pre order date soon and will be purchasing first opportunity.
no concerns.
Yea my main computer is a duel core Mac Mini - two western digital external hard drives 500G AND 1000G. Powerbook G4 (RETIRED) Dell Mini 9 - hackintoshed. Iphone original 8G.
Use UK iTunes store.
Just looking forward to a single location to get latest info and advice
i do the 1st shot :D

patiently waitin,
lookin @ 32G wifi
wil b waitin for the aussie launch & askin a relative's help
nt for now to (e)
imac & macbk
an exchg of ideas & supports wif regards to the idevices

mike & cheers to every1 here!

hello from Bishan :)

PS: i already got my 2 32G wifi , and wait for my 3G 64
Canadian member in Vancouver

a) Where you are from : Vancouver, BC, Canada

b) Do you own an ipad if so what model: two 64GB wi-fi units (mine and my wife's).

c) If you are going to buy an ipad if so what model: Did it!!

d) When do you expect to receive your ipad if you are buying one: Pre-ordered them in March on the US Apple Store website using my Cdn credit card and a USA parcel drop address just 20 mi (30km) south of Vancouver; I drove down and picked them up on Tuesday, April 6

e) Are there any specific concerns you have relative to your country and Apple ipad or Apple in general that we may answer? Wondering about the publisher copyright rules for iBooks in Canada -- the App Store app doesn't work yet

f) Do you own a stand alone Apple Macintosh or PC and what type that has itunes on it? I have an iMac i7 Quad 27" running iTunes 9.1; my wife's iPad connects to her Windows Vista PC running iTunes 9.1 also.

g) Which itunes store do you use? ( Canada and the USA )

h) Finally what would you like this forum to provide to you as an international member? Understanding of my challenges sometimes with international marketing and copyright laws.
Welcome to the forum and many thanks for your detailed response If you need any assistance please ask. If I am unable to answer the questions I will find some whom will.

The issue of ibooks affects all countries too early to give any real assessment. Most of problems is around copy right.
Thanks again for responding

Colin down under in Aus land :):):):)

I'm from Brazil (Recife)
I don't have an ipad yet.
I'll buy a wifi ipad (16gb)
I'd like to buy from ebay (USA), but I don't know if it will work with Brazilian itunes store.
Where you are from : singapore

Do you own an ipad if so what model: 16GB :(

If you are going to buy an ipad if so what model: definitely 32 or 64GB wifi+3G

Do you own a stand alone Apple Macintosh or PC and what type that has itunes on it : 13" MacBookPro (home); iMac (office)

Which itunes store do you use: SG & US

Finally what would you like this forum to provide to you as an international member: share information and experience
- Cologne, Germany
- Bought a 32GB WIFI and expect it to clear customs any day
- MacBook Pro 15", MacBook (black) 13", Apple-TV with ATVflash, latest iTunes
- Primary iTunes account in the US, secondary is Germany
- I'd like to see regional/country subforums to address local issues

And I'm happy to help as European Moderator.
French living in Singapore & China (time to time)
Using yet iPad wifi 32GB, and soon 3G 64Gb
MBP 17’’, MacBook 13’’. i Phone 3Gs, previously 1Gen & 3G
Only Itunes SG, as i don’t know if can use two and don’t loose my app’s (never try)
hi everyone,

- i am from manila, philippines

-my ipad will be here early next week. wifi only, 16 gb. i had a hard time deciding how much memory i need since up until now i have only used up to 7 gb of my iphone memory. thats already with all the apps i use everyday.

-we don't have an apple store here so warranty is an issue.

-i own a mbp 15" mid 2009 and an imac 27" i5.

-i have a US itunes account.

-just reading up on what other people are doing with their ipads, the problems they are encountering, the solutions etc.
a) Where you are from : Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Central America

b) Do you own an ipad if so what model: one 64GB wi-fi unit.

c) If you are going to buy an ipad if so what model: Did it!!

d) When do you expect to receive your ipad if you are buying one: I bought my iPad 04/21/2010 in Chicago, IL

e) Are there any specific concerns you have relative to your country and Apple ipad or Apple in general that we . None

f) Do you own a stand alone Apple Macintosh or PC and what type that has itunes on it? I have an Dell notebok running iTunes 9.1

g) Which itunes store do you use? USA store. I am using a credit card of a US friend

h) Finally what would you like this forum to provide to you as an international member? Sure.

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