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Video Files Directly on iPad Main Screen?


iPF Noob
Jul 8, 2010
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I am trying to create am iPad for our company that clients and prospects can use to view video clips and various documents directly from the iPad's main screen. The iPad is jailbroken and I have removed all of the other icons. Is there any way to do this? I'd also like to make nice icons for each file.

Thanks for the help.
If your documents and videos are on the web, it's easy via Safari to create an icon on the iPad. Not quite as graceful as you may like but easy.
Clicking on the little + sign rolls down a menu. Choose add to home screen.
If you're going to have internet access, you could store the files online, then create a safari homepage shortcut for each item?

Each shortcut can be uniquely named, but I don't know how you could customise the icons. There might be something in Cydia, but I couldn't find it.
You don't understand the concept of the iPad or how it works.

You want video files on a home screen, then buy anything other than an iPad.

Sorry to be so negative but it's the cold hearted truth.

The closest you can get is ifile, other than that, no.
You don't understand the concept of the iPad or how it works.

You want video files on a home screen, then buy anything other than an iPad.

Sorry to be so negative but it's the cold hearted truth.

The closest you can get is ifile, other than that, no.

Sure I do, buy lots of crap off the app store and surf the Internet. I'm sure that the iPad has a lot of capabilities that apple doesn't want you to have access to. I just want a customized experience for clients when they come to our office.
@iVan and @U62 thanks for the input. I am all about easy. Could I just create new icon images in Photoshop?
I say just open a browser, create a website and set this website as the browsers home page.

Make a ipad case, stand, or whatever that makes the screen accessable but blocks the home button from being pressed.

Let them browse your custom website with videos etc... without the home button they are stuck in the web browser.
What about making an app for each?
oplayer might work for your application... it will play videos of a larger variety of formats that have been d/l into the ipad (includes an FTP and HTTP client to help with the d/l).

since its JB, the VLC app might also do what you want...

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