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Unusual Email Problem



Have searched but not found anything that might help me with this.

My problem is a very very strange one. I have a friend (I have several but this one in particular), who, when he emails me from his computer, I can reply no problem. However, if he emails me from his phone (Samsung Galaxy s2), when I reply, I type my message, hit send and the mail app just crashes out and loses my reply. My only way to reply is to compose a fresh email.

This only happens when he mails me from his phone, makes no difference which email addy he uses, the result is the same when I try to reply.

I too have the galaxy s2 and have tested it and can reply to myself just fine, so, why on earth would I not be able to reply to just one person's mail from his phone?

It's bugging me now and I've tried to find answers by searching the web and on here but just can't.

I was going to try doing the reset (erase all data and settings) etc but then read that this can corrupt the os and as I am jailbroken, I don't want to do a restore as I will now be forced to update to 5.1 and therefore lose my jb.

I uninstalled as many of the tweaks as possible in case it was one of those causing problems, although that seems unlikely as it only happens with one of my contacts.

I have the iPad 2 32g wifi only, jailbroken using Absinthe (on 5.0.1).

If anybody is able to shed any light, I would very much appreciate it although it does seem to be an isolated problem so not expecting anybody else to have experienced it in all honesty.

Meanwhile, I am about to try another mail app to see if that makes any difference.

Thank you in advance t anybody who might have an inkling as to what's going on.
Maybe it is something embedded in the email body. Try deleting any quoted text, especially the signature if it's not plain text.
twerppoet said:
Maybe it is something embedded in the email body. Try deleting any quoted text, especially the signature if it's not plain text.

I already tried deleting quoted text.

Have managed to narrow it down. My friend uses the native email app on his phone, we have the same phone so I set up my email the same on my phone and guess what, I can't reply to myself. I hit send and the iPad mail app just crashes out. How strange is that.

So, it seems the iPad doesn't like the galaxy s2 native mail app for some reason.

I've installed ibis mail app on my iPad and that works fine. I would much rather just use the native iPad email app but until I can find a solution to this most unusual problem, I'll keep using ibis.

Anyone else got the iPad 2 and know somebody with a Samsung phone, would be grateful if you could test yours for me to see if it's all Samsung (android) phones it doesn't like.

Ok, it's not an isolated problem, has now been tested with two galaxy s2 email to both my iPad 2 and my other friends iPhone 4. Does exactly the same if he tries to reply to me if I send mail using Samsung mail app. The plot thickens as they say. Lol.

That is really strange. I haven't heard of any other Android users having this kind of email problem (and we have several on the forum). I wonder what is different in the Galaxy S2 email client from all the other Android phones. And what quirk in the iPad's Mail app is causing this.

For what you are describing to happen there has to be something about both apps that is not quite right.

I'd really like to see a broader range of users on both sides test it, but I doubt we have enough dual Galaxy S2 - iPad users to pull it off.

Or we can start conspiracy rumor about the Samsung vs Apple patent wars spilling over into their email clients. The blogs would eat it up. You could probably make a fortune on the page hits. Well, maybe not quite a fortune. ;)
Yes, very strange indeed. I'm wondering if it's all Samsung devices or just the s2. Would be interested to test a non Samsung android phone. A lot of android users use a different email app to the one that comes with the phone so that's why I would like to be able to test other phones.

At least I can use ibis mail on my iPad but want to be able to use the native one really.

Another thing I would like to test is mail from android mail app to NON jailbroken i device. I doubt that does have anything to do with it but worth testing. My neighbour has non jailbroken iPhone and iPad 2 so will test with him later.
I'll be interested to hear what you find out.

I missed the part about you being jailbroken. You don't have any tweaks applied to Mail's behavior, do you?
I have a friend with an Galaxy S2 and never had trouble replying to him on my iPad. I'll ask him what email app he is using, but I assume he's using the native app.

I have a rooted EVO 4G running CyanogenMod7 with the native email app. I'd be happy to send you an email from it if you want to PM an address to me.
EvilMonkey said:
I have a friend with an Galaxy S2 and never had trouble replying to him on my iPad. I'll ask him what email app he is using, but I assume he's using the native app.

I have a rooted EVO 4G running CyanogenMod7 with the native email app. I'd be happy to send you an email from it if you want to PM an address to me.

Have pm'd you

Thanks to Evil Monkey I've narrowed it down to being a Samsung issue. Why doesn't it surprise me. Lol.

Can't wait for the iPhone 5 now, Will be able to ditch Samsung, too many problems with their phones.

twerppoet said:
I'll be interested to hear what you find out.

I missed the part about you being jailbroken. You don't have any tweaks applied to Mail's behavior, do you?

I did but not anymore. I was going to restore and test it unjailbroken but I missed the signing window so can't now. Lol.

I might just update and go without jb but not quite ready to yet. Lol. Just can't seen to take that plunge.

twerppoet said:
That is the jaillbreaker's dilemma. ;)

Glad you got it figured out, at least to the point of being able to deal with it.

I know, I didn't have enough charge to update one day, the next day, window was closed. Lol.

Thanks to Evil Monkey I've narrowed it down to being a Samsung issue. Why doesn't it surprise me. Lol.

Can't wait for the iPhone 5 now, Will be able to ditch Samsung, too many problems with their phones.


It may be, but I just had my buddy send me emails from the native email app on his S2 (one from a hotmail account, one from a gmail account) and it works fine on my iPad2 (iOS 5.1). Although, it may be a combination of that and your jailbroken iPad.

In fact, why don't you send me an email from your S2 that crashes your iPad and I'll check it out on mine. I'll PM you my email address in case you lost our test from yesterday.

I personally am trying to decide on a Galaxy S2 or waiting for the Nexus to come out on Sprint (I'm eligible for an upgrade in April or I can switch to Verizon when my contract is up in June). No iPhone for me ;)
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Just as an update:

  • I sent Alison an email from my EVO 4G (using the native email app) and it works fine on her iPad.
  • Alison sent an email to me from her Galaxy S2 and it opened fine on my iPad.
So it appears to be an issue with email from her Galaxy S2 to her iPad (jailbroken). But she also tried another Galaxy S2 with the same result. So it must be a combination of Samsung and her iPad (which is odd, because my email app should be the exact same thing Samsung uses since my EVO is rooted and running vanilla Android (the Cyanogen ROM) and Samsung also runs vanilla Android).

I'm out of ideas.

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