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Problems with mail


iPF Noob
Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
Springs, South Africa
Good Morning all.

I have a user that only uses his iPad to read and respond to his emails. (What a waste)He only have the standard apps on his iPad. I did setup his outlook email account on his iPad. It worked fine until he changed his active directory password. He did not change the password on his iPad. Because of that he got locked out from active directory. I changed his password to the new password on his iPad. he still got locked out from active directory. I deleted the account from his iPad and re-created his account on the iPad. He still get locked out from active directory when he reads his mail on his iPad. I have alos upgraded him to the latest OS, that did not help either.

What else can i try?
Good Morning all.

I have a user that only uses his iPad to read and respond to his emails. (What a waste)He only have the standard apps on his iPad. I did setup his outlook email account on his iPad. It worked fine until he changed his active directory password. He did not change the password on his iPad. Because of that he got locked out from active directory. I changed his password to the new password on his iPad. he still got locked out from active directory. I deleted the account from his iPad and re-created his account on the iPad. He still get locked out from active directory when he reads his mail on his iPad. I have alos upgraded him to the latest OS, that did not help either.

What else can i try?

There must still be something on a pc, server, app, ... that uses the old password and causes the account to lock. You'll have to find out the "culprit" where these lockouts are originating from.
Look for other devices using this username and password, perhaps apps which may have both stored, browsers, ...

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