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Uk i pad wi fi problem


iPF Noob
May 4, 2010
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I recently acquired a WIFI and 3g 32gb I pad here in the UK from apple, and am trying to use it at home in its wifi mode having put in the correct password key for my NETGEAR router into the IPAD.
Nevertheless the IPAD does not pick up the wifi signal from my router despite being logged on the IPAD.
IE no connection to the internet and no wifi signal to my IPAD.
Where am i going wrong?
Hi cultman! No signal as in nothing on the little signal meter?

I'd say try connecting to another WiFi router -- friend's home -- free public hotspot -- something like that. If that works you've narrowed it down to your network. If it doesn't work, you are under warranty so pursue technical help/warranty from Apple.

If it seems to be your network, try to renew the lease (bottom of Wi-Fi screen). If that doesn't work, try forgetting the network (top of Wi-Fi screen) and start over.

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