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Top iPad Apps?


Staff member
Jan 17, 2010
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Help iPad Forums come up with the top iPad Apps. Let us know your pick and why!
what about a App that updates you on ther latest posts in the forums? so if your riding a bus and you wanna know whats going on in the forums you just take out the app and ta-da :)
Apple wasn't able to use the iSlate name since HP already has a device named Slate out.
Even someone in Japan claims to own the iPad name, but i suspect this will go nowhere. So they came up with iPad, which to me is confusingly similar to iPod -- but maybe that is what they wanted to reinforce the fact that it uses the same OS programming as the iPod Touch and iPhone (whichis great in my opinion). That means millions of people already know how to use the iPad.
iPad name

Unfortunately the so called "SomeGuy" in Japan happens to be Fujitsu.
I think they will sue Apple successfully, they have in the works a netbook called iPad......

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