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Top 8 Best iPad apps for watching video


iPF Noob
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
I got a round top 8 best iPad apps for watching video, to help you consume your favorite televisions shows and movies to the utmost.

Netflix App - Top 1 video watching iPad apps
ABC App - Top 2 video watching iPad apps
YouTube App - Top 3 video watching iPad apps
Air Video App - Top 4 video watching iPad apps
Hulu App - Top 5 video watching iPad apps
Ustream App - Top 6 video watching iPad apps
Flixster App - Top 7 video watching iPad apps
IMDb App - Top 8 video watching iPad apps :D
I'm in Canada..... Might work for US, they show many shows from US also

Global Video
CityTV Video

Music videos. -- Vevo
I've been using Netflix and it's been streaming fairly well with not reall any interruptions...was wondering how the hulu plus app streams? I know a lot of people are upset with the $7.99 subscription but does it stream without much buffering like my Netflix app will?

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