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Spyware, trojans...


iPF Noob
I've a very serious concern. My ex husband had me completely stalked in every way on old computer, phones, you name it. Whatever money could buy, he bought to spy on me. It became a police matter. He paid foreign experts to have me hacked, watched etc. I had numerous Trojans, and spyware on everything, and everything I did or said, was being monitored.
My concern is that now the iPad I'm using has some similar things going on such as screen 'jumping', suddenly going blank, freezing etc.. Just how immune is the ipad2 from spyware etc?

I'd truly appreciate any help, as for 3.5 years I've been trying to be free of being watched.
As long as you don't jailbreak, you are very safe. Apple tests everything in the app store and it would be hard for something to slip by.

If you have enabled Find my iPad though, make sure your iCloud ID is secure, or he could track your movements through the me.com website...
Thank you so much for your reply. I've ensured there is no cloud on or find me etc...

Please excuse my 'stupid' questions perhaps, as I'm not really clued up to all this.. But how can I make sure the iPad has not been jail broken? Is there anything I can do to make absolute sure there is nothing on it to enable me to be watched etc? Unfortunately my ex husband has had the iPad in his hands when my son had it with him.... Greatly concerns me...
I think it is safe to say if you bought it new from apple or a reliable source (best buy or the like) it is not jail broken.
Thank you so much for your reply. I've ensured there is no cloud on or find me etc...

Please excuse my 'stupid' questions perhaps, as I'm not really clued up to all this.. But how can I make sure the iPad has not been jail broken? Is there anything I can do to make absolute sure there is nothing on it to enable me to be watched etc? Unfortunately my ex husband has had the iPad in his hands when my son had it with him.... Greatly concerns me...

If he has had it in his hands, it could easily have been jail broken and/or have spy software installed... Some spy software does not even require a jailbreak.... Find my Friends from Apple can track you as well - though you can turn that off.

If he's as persistent as you say, I'd bet you are jail broken and he's watching you even now...
I would reset to factory and reinstall your software, then do not let him get his hands on it again...
I agree do a full reset make sure find my phone is disabled as it can find your iPad with in one foot of location any where in the world....... Hope your life improves.
I am sorry to hear this, I think the iPad may solve your problem.

Anyway you think you are being stalked well the UK authorities are going to waste £380 a minute of tax payers money same as £200 million per year to listen into all of our phone conversation, emails, text's Skype etc, etc. Welcome to the police state of what was Great Britain. So I hope they are reading this one and getting great enjoyment from it.
This is my fear :-(

I've tried to erase and reset everything but it is asking for a password I do not recall creating... So am unable to do that. Is there any way I can over ride the password (surely people forget them at times?)...

I am truly grateful for the time you've all taken to help me. This situation is not a nice one to endure.
Kiwigirl1 said:
This is my fear :-(

I've tried to erase and reset everything but it is asking for a password I do not recall creating... So am unable to do that. Is there any way I can over ride the password (surely people forget them at times?)...

I am truly grateful for the time you've all taken to help me. This situation is not a nice one to endure.

Maybe your son has the password? If not, then you will just have to try to do a full restore from iTunes if you had a backup from before you let your son take the iPad to your ex.
Ummm. Not to dig into the lives of members but I would say a restraining order may be in order, if it is as bad as you say it is iPad may not be your biggest worry right now. Just a thought.
Maybe your son has the password? If not, then you will just have to try to do a full restore from iTunes if you had a backup from before you let your son take the iPad to your ex.

I would restore as new, not from backup....just to be sure.
Kiwigirl1 said:
This is my fear :-(

I've tried to erase and reset everything but it is asking for a password I do not recall creating... So am unable to do that. Is there any way I can over ride the password (surely people forget them at times?)...

I am truly grateful for the time you've all taken to help me. This situation is not a nice one to endure.

I would say, don't let him at your house. I'm a private investigator, he might plant bugs and other things like that. I would sell that iPad on eBay and get new one. Never let him get his hands on your cellphone or iPad. For your son buy him a iPad 2 their cheap now, and make his father sign up for his iTunes account. Also I would change your iTunes password.

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