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Wow! Must say Wow! From 1 time IPAD owner!


iPF Noob
Mar 6, 2012
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Well, after semi patiently waiting for about 3 1/2 weeks my very first IPAD (1st Apple product ever) came in. The engraving was great! Couldn't get it connected to Wifi for the life of me, but then realized after all day of trying on & off it was my fault. I was trying to use my network pw, not the WLS access key, which explains why I had such trouble getting my new wireless printer hooked up this week! (That took changing some settings on my router so I could just press a button on the router & the printer found it for me!)

I must say that the display is amazing! Of course I've never really seen an IPAD before this one, but this is truely beautiful. It reminds me of the display on my top of the line new Dell desktop monitor. So clear & vibrant. Set up lead me through everything easily once I stopped being stupid about my password.

My biggest two questions right now is I was able to set up Icloud on the IPAD w/o hooking it up to my desktop. Is that ok? When I tap safari it goes to it, but it is a blank page really. Is that normal? I was expecting the safari browser to have a homepage of some sort. Am I missing a step?

Also when you are looking at something online & you want to go back to where you were before, how do you do this? An online friend said press the home button at the bottom, but that just closed out the internet. I'm talking about, for example, you are in facebook & you are looking at your pictures and then you want to go back to your news feed. THere is no back button.

I downloaded the app for FB & Weather channel & Pininterest, & the app for this site (even though I can't seem to move around it very well) so far, but that's it. I can't remember the ones ya'll have said for pictures & file moving, how to hook up my wireless printer, etc. I'll have to go back to figure these out I guess!

My Roocase Dual came in from Amazon & it works great! It does turn the IPAD off. Is it ok to turn the IPAD off when I'm not using it? I won't be using it all day most days & it seems silly to leave an electronic device on for no reason. & boy does this thing need a longer charging cord!

I love it though & can't wait to learn more about it!
I can answer a couple.... Safari doesn't really have a home page like a pc does...it will open on the last open page you had. So for the first time it will be blank...and if you close all your tabs down then it will be blank too.

When in safari you can go backwards and forwards using the little triangle buttons at the top left hand corner. If you want to change apps and haven't got your head around multitasking you can double click the home button...this will bring up all your open apps....

Facebook IMO. is much better through the app than through safari...you swipe left or right to open and close news feeds etc...

Also you will find that in most programs if you landscape the iPad you get more menu options that are visible..

Hope this helps.... there are heaps of people on here who will be able to help you out.

Oh and yes I agree about the charging cord...apple do sell one that is longer....I use an extension cord though!

Have fun with your new iPad..just wait till you start watching movies etc...you'll be blown away by the screen quality then!

In answer to your question, you do have to setup iCloud onto your computer. Otherwise whatever you download onto your iPad will not show up on your computer. How do you set it up on your computer? I can't remember.. I had to google how to set up iCloud on my computer but it wasn't difficult.

As for your second question, you didn't do anything wrong with safari. It always show a blank screen until you save a web page as your home screen. You do that by typing a website into the bar and to the left of the bar is a box with an arrow coming out of it. Select that icon and press add to homepage.

There is a back button or arrow but it's too the far left of the safari page... I'm not sure if that's what you were asking for? It's okay to turn off your iPad when you are not using it because I find that my battery drains when it's not in use.

A good tool I would suggest you get is an app called Appstart. I've found this app to be very helpful with setting up my ipad and offering tips on how to use it. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

If you want Safari to start on a particular page, here's how to do it. These instructions show the Google homepage, but you can choose whichever one you want.


This will give you a new icon on your home screen. When you touch it, Safari will start and go straight to Google.

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Thank y'all for all your help. that helps so much already! Please forgive my lack of some caps. I am getting used to using this keyboard and as a transcription it's this cap thing is driving me crazy! but I can type faster this way! anyway, the other day when I was installing iTunes on my pc before I even got my iPad I accidentally installed the safari on my pc as well. Maybe I installed iCloud. I will have to check on Monday, after the holiday. Besides I can do it then if I haven't yet.

I am relieved to know that nothing is wrong with the safari and I will just make msn my usual home page. I didn't know you could use the extension cord. I will for sure do that!

Is iBooks the app you use that works with your kindle books? I downloaded the app, but I certainly do not want to download all my books to the iPad as I have around 900. I do have the fb ap and that works great and the ap for this site is working great for me tonight. I'm so grateful I found this site as I am so new to apple products. thanks!
I don't know anything about Kindle. iBooks will be the program you need to read books purchased from the app store. It is also capable of reading any books with file extension .epub or .pdf, unless they have DRM.

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Thank you Kevin. I think I tried this, but didnt complete it so it didn't stick. I think a lot of this will begin to come intutitively to me at some point!
No problem. Any time you need any help, we are here.

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mikeswife said:
Thank y'all for all your help. that helps so much already! Please forgive my lack of some caps. I am getting used to using this keyboard and as a transcription it's this cap thing is driving me crazy! but I can type faster this way! anyway, the other day when I was installing iTunes on my pc before I even got my iPad I accidentally installed the safari on my pc as well. Maybe I installed iCloud. I will have to check on Monday, after the holiday. Besides I can do it then if I haven't yet.

I am relieved to know that nothing is wrong with the safari and I will just make msn my usual home page. I didn't know you could use the extension cord. I will for sure do that!

Is iBooks the app you use that works with your kindle books? I downloaded the app, but I certainly do not want to download all my books to the iPad as I have around 900. I do have the fb ap and that works great and the ap for this site is working great for me tonight. I'm so grateful I found this site as I am so new to apple products. thanks!


There is a Kindle app available at the apple store that will interface with your existing Kindle account once you go through the user setup process.

iBooks is a separate app with its own bookstore and isn't needed to use the Kindle app.
congrats mikeswife on your new ipad. i will be geting the new ipad in a few weeks. the ipad will also be my frist apple product also
Amazon stores all your kindle purchases in the kindle cloud.you can download only what you currently need to the kindle app to save storage space on your iPad.
To sync iCloud on a PC you need to download and install some software from Apple, this sets up a control panel type app that let's you choose what to sync, with outlook etc, calendar, contacts etc, also photo-stream, safari bookmarks etc.

You can also access your icloud info in any browser on a Pc , and see your mail, calendar,contacts, it looks just like the software on the iPad.
If you also have a iPhone it keeps all 3 in sync...it just works!

You do also need to use the iCloud settings on your iPad or iPhone to decide which bits of data you want sync'd via the iCloud service, so you can pick and choose.

It's all similar to the old mobile me service , but much better and free!
Also when you are looking at something online & you want to go back to where you were before, how do you do this? An online friend said press the home button at the bottom, but that just closed out the internet. I'm talking about, for example, you are in facebook & you are looking at your pictures and then you want to go back to your news feed. THere is no back button.
There is no back button on the iPad, however you can use finger gestures to do the same thing. Just place 4 or 5 fingers on the screen and swipe left to go back to the last app you had open (swipe them right to go back to the app you just left). Pinch 4 or 5 fingers on the screen to close the app (without using the home button). Slide 4 or 5 fingers on the screen up to open the multitask pane. You must have "Multitasking Gestures" turned on under Settings > General for this to work. I barely use the home button now, everything I do is with the gestures.
There is no back button on the iPad, however you can use finger gestures to do the same thing. Just place 4 or 5 fingers on the screen and swipe left to go back to the last app you had open (swipe them right to go back to the app you just left). Pinch 4 or 5 fingers on the screen to close the app (without using the home button). Slide 4 or 5 fingers on the screen up to open the multitask pane. You must have "Multitasking Gestures" turned on under Settings > General for this to work. I barely use the home button now, everything I do is with the gestures.

Also Newb here waiting for my "New" iPad. Tks for the tip.
Thanks for all the tips! I am learning to move around more freely now & I think I've got most everything set up It really wasn't too hard at all once I figured out what I needed to do. I plugged the IPAD into my desktop & downloaded icloud onto my desktop so now that is down. I downloaded dropbox to the ipad. I downloaded it to my desktop today too. Wasn't sure if I needed to, but I did. I put a picture in there & will check later & see if it's in my drop box on the ipad. I downloaded an app called pocketcloud that lets me access my desktop from my ipad. It's a little slow in it's movements, but it allows me to access my word documents which would be helpful if the doctor I do transcription for asks for me to send him something again & I don't feel like going into my office & firing up the desktop again. (I try to stay out of my office on my off days.) . I realy dislike itunes. It's just a mess & you have to hunt around for everything. I haven't really figured out how to handle pictures yet or if I need to download an app to do this. I did figure out the kindle ap & I was able to download just the one book I want & not all the others. Setting up to my wireless printer was effortless. I thought I would have to download an app or something, but I didn't. I don't know if I'm missing anything, other than an app to handle my pictures, but so far so good! Thanks again for all ya'lls guidence!

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