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Smart cover for ipad 2


iPF Noob
Feb 4, 2012
Reaction score
Hi, just picked up the smart cover for my ipad 2, the cover is brilliant but annoying, as the cover does not sit flat all the way across the ipad screen!

Any suggestions on how to get the smart cover to have a snug fit?
Hi, just picked up the smart cover for my ipad 2, the cover is brilliant but annoying, as the cover does not sit flat all the way across the ipad screen!

Any suggestions on how to get the smart cover to have a snug fit?

Fuzzy side facing the glass smooth side out.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
How far off of flat is it?
It will break-in and sit flatter over time.
You guys should definitely check out the CueTab Case (cuetab.com); it's the best all-in-one case for an affordable price and made in America!
Thanks for your advice guys, i realised that i didn't place it on the ipad properly,

It fits perfect now :)
Wooingyou said:
You guys should definitely check out the CueTab Case (cuetab.com); it's the best all-in-one case for an affordable price and made in America!

Can you stand the iPad horizontally rather than vertically?

Sent from my jailbroken iPad2 using iPF
if you stick it in the microwave for 2mins on defrost setting,cover will then be flexable and fit properly.hope this helps.
geo.smc said:
if you stick it in the microwave for 2mins on defrost setting,cover will then be flexable and fit properly.hope this helps.

I'm not certain that putting anything metallic in a microwave is a good idea!

The Archangel
if you stick it in the microwave for 2mins on defrost setting,cover will then be flexable and fit properly.hope this helps.

Seriously? That woud not be recommended! Metal/Microwave--not advised.
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why do i have [ipf nob ] below my name ?.

Hi Geo...that indicates the number of posts you have done. You need 7 more to become a IPF Novice, but your answers need to be more than one word.

Keep chipping away, and you will see your User Title change.

That's one of the fun things about this forum !:)

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