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Sleep mode question ~


iPF Noob
Jun 20, 2010
Reaction score
Sacramento, California
I think that is what it is called ~ but is there a way to turn that off? What is the point of having it go to sleep? To save on the battery?

I just got a really cool screen saver and I never get to see it because the iPad goes to sleep!:(
Yes, it saves on battery. You can go to settings and tell it to never turn off, but I can't imagine why anyone would want to do that.
Silly question:

Is the iPad's screen vulnerable to image burn-in (or "transient image persistence")? I always used the sleep mode for fear of messing up the display, but I really don't know if that's a technically valid concern.
Yes, it saves on battery. You can go to settings and tell it to never turn off, but I can't imagine why anyone would want to do that.

So you cannot really disable "Sleep" mode and have the sleep/wake button be a true Off? Just make it not sleep and have the screen always on? iPad never sleeps? LOL We always wanted a device/computer that had instant on with no booting. Now we have one [mostly]

Is SJ watching us?:D
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You can sort of...you can tell the screen to never time out. Also, if you hold the sleep button in it will ask you to slide to turn off...but if you turn it off and plug it in, it will automatically turn back on.
You can sort of...you can tell the screen to never time out. Also, if you hold the sleep button in it will ask you to slide to turn off...but if you turn it off and plug it in, it will automatically turn back on.
Hi Matt;
I did discover the hold it in just recently and I guess that is really not too bad. I see where Windows 8 is looking at some sort of iPad-like instant on. I was never too happy with the hibernate or sleep function in Windows. The Microsoft jockeys never were allowed to keep everything in memory. HD is not a very fast substitute. Of course, they were going for volume user.
Silly question:
Is the iPad's screen vulnerable to image burn-in (or "transient image persistence")? I always used the sleep mode for fear of messing up the display, but I really don't know if that's a technically valid concern.
not a silly question... I always thought that LCD screens were not suspectible to any kind of image burn-in... but I have proof right on my desktop, an LCD screen that I have had for 5+ years, with app windows ALWAYS in the same place, sure enough, there is a clear residual burn in at the edges of each of those app windows when I close down those windows. I can only surmise that after so many years of the transistors driving those particular pixels, that they are wearing out (heat, electromigration, etc)...

BUT that is after many years with windows/icons in exactly the same place. LCD screens aren't nearby as bad as CRTs for burnin where you are bombarding phosphors with electrons. So I wouldn't worry too much, especially if you don't have fixed patterns displaying (like edges of a photo always using the same pixels).
Monkey, have you tried one of those apps that unsticks pixels by flashing all the colors?
Settings for sleep mode.

Where is it? I am brand new and have searched. Want to set up go to sleep in 45 minutes? Slar01
Where is it? I am brand new and have searched. Want to set up go to sleep in 45 minutes? Slar01
It is actually called Auto-Lock. To get to it, go to Settings | General | Auto-Lock.


This is the amount of time that the screen will shut off after no activity. Unfortunately, the longest amount of time you can set it to (other than Never) is 15 minutes.

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