Does anyone know if you can use the SDK ON the ipad, ie: use the ipad to design apps???? or am I still on the hunt for a cheap mac laptop to do this with?
I have considered getting into XCode development but the price of a Mac is not something I want to pay for. Anyone developing on a Mac Mini?
Mac Mini is perfect for developing with xcode. I had never used MAC's before I got mine. I decided to get a MAC mini due to the fact that they were about $550. I made a few iphone apps and made the $550 back from them.
and on top of the, my mac mini is now my main computer and I hardly ever use my more powerful windows 7 PC.
Mac Mini is perfect for developing with xcode. I had never used MAC's before I got mine. I decided to get a MAC mini due to the fact that they were about $550. I made a few iphone apps and made the $550 back from them.
and on top of the, my mac mini is now my main computer and I hardly ever use my more powerful windows 7 PC.
I was in the market for a Mac Mini to begin iPad development, so I was looking for them in the local classifieds. I ended up finding a used white MacBook for $650, which was just a little bit higher than my budget. I got it, tho, and it works great in building apps using Xcode. Now I need to learn more about Objective-C. (It's also taking me awhile to familiarize myself with OS X, which I have not used much, having used PCs for years.)
I suggest you go sit in for the free into to MAC workshop at the apple store. You may not learn a lot but there will be few things you will pick up, ask them any questions you have. heck, its free.