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iPF Noob
Jul 15, 2010
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Brisbane, Australia
Wow, rtf on the iPad!
Hi to anyone reading this, I am a truck driver in Brisbane, Australia, I deliver locally for Coca Cola and spent a lot of time in queues at supermarket warehouses, so iPad as has made a huge difference to how I spend my spare time. I forgot to take it to work just the other day and couldn't believe how lost I was without it. We have had iPad in Australia since May 28 and I got mine a week later, I love being able to stay in touch whilst on the road and amuse myself with the apps.
My favorite app is mastermind, the time really flies by while I am working on those colors.
I am a Mac user at home too, still running an old G5 17" iMac on OSX 10.5
It is such a reliable old computer but not used quite so much now that I have the iPad.
Thanks for letting me a part of your forum.:)

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