The new Apple iPad will come with the all new A5X processor and quad-core graphics! Comparing to a Tegra 3, Apple says the A5 is "twice as fast" and the A5X offers "four times the performance." Not sure of the benchmark here, folks.
It says on the website the a5x is dual core with extra graphics.
To be honest, there is not much reason to buy this iPad other than a great new display. As usual apple went on and on about updates for apps. That can happen any time and isn't relevant at all.
Oh I still want one but they are technically only giving you a new screen lol. 4G? No point in 4G yet as in the uk we don't have up and running 4G to pay for and it doesn't benefit anyone who owns the wifi only version. Apple spent an hour selling hardly anything really. I'm getting one for the screen only and for the fact that apps won't be supported on my iPad 1
Yeah. For the folks that always have to have the newest thing this is a fun day. For those of us who want something "really new" the iPad 3 isn't really much of an update. I don't need a better camera on my tablet. Have any of you ever really used your iPad as a camera? I'm not a gamer either so the A5 won't really help me all that much - neither will the retina display. And 4G is simply not that well extended across the United States. It's still mainly only in certain major cities. So my iPad 2 will be doing me just fine for quite some time to come. I'm happy for you guys that really enjoy the newest hottest thing.