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Narrow Minded

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Coach Ren

iPF Noob
Mar 24, 2012
Reaction score
I've been lurking on this forum for a bit and I noticed whenever someone say anything against Apple or an Apple product everyone criticizes that person. Others aren't allowed to have an opinion unless it flows with the majority. That's narrow-minded thinking...typical fanboy thinking...
Lots of people are like that. People develop a brand loyalty. Don't get me wrong, I love apple. I use a mac and I have an iPad. But I also have an android phone, because I don't see the point of having an iPhone and an iPad... I like to mix things up a bit. Android is brilliant.
Hey Coach, I'm one of those who voices my opinion on Apple products here and on the iPhoneforums.net and often have to put on the flame suit.
But hey, I take it all with a grain of salt. I look at it this way......if you're going to stir up the bees' nest, prepare to get stung.
As with this opinion: I love Apple's exquisite hardware but hate their extremely user unfriendly and stupidly complicated software. Specifically iTunes.
Got your flame suit on? :)

Sent from my iPhone 4S or iPad 3rd gen, whichever I happened to have in my hands at the time, using iPF.net
Coach, I hope you don't interpret any of my posts as being anti-criticism. This forum is not a Pro Apple only forum - however it's not a Apple bashing forum either. I've been very critical of the things that apple has done wrong, but I will call a spade a spade and don't like to let critical posts go by without any challenge. If the facts are on your side then everyone learns something. Saying no one is allowed to debate a criticism is as silly as saying no one is allowed to criticize. Is that being narrow minded or more open minded?

I'd like to point out I've always tried to be critical of the message that is put out - never the person that is putting the message out, and not because I like being critical but because I like to understand things better.

Everyone is allowed to have an opinion, but you know what they say what 'opinions are like.... ', the truth is opinions are not very useful to anyone. Facts are much more useful than opinions.
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Maybe you should realise it's not just here or Apple fanboys. Yep, go criticize Android/Intel/AMD/nVidia/Microsoft/Sony/Linux/Battlefield/CallofDuty/etc on their own forums and you'll find EXACTLY the same thing. People who say it's only one particular brand of fanboys that do this are more narrow minded than those they're accusing. Fanboy-ism is LITERALLY everywhere on the internet.
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Coach Ren said:
I've been lurking on this forum for a bit and I noticed whenever someone say anything against Apple or an Apple product everyone criticizes that person. Others aren't allowed to have an opinion unless it flows with the majority. That's narrow-minded thinking...typical fanboy thinking...

If you see any evidence of people being abusive, do us a favor and report the post to the mods. If anyone wants to come on here and tell us that Apple sucks they are entitled to express that opinion. Good to be able to back up an opinion with facts, though.

We don't tolerate personal abuse, so feel free to start any discussion you like on any subject. We don't have a rule that says Apple products are perfect. Far from it

Sent from my iPad 4 HD mini
Typical 'fanboy' thinking is typical trolling android apologist talk. Tit for tat, etc. Many of the people who come here are those who have moved from android devices and find the change refreshing. There is a need for competition in mobile devices, but Google is not doing a good enough job with android. If you read the discussions from experts, they are all saying the same thing. Android is too fractured and their apps are not as good as the iOS apps. Apple did not make it to the top in fifteen years by putting out bad products. So it is natural that they are going to have people enthusiastic about their products. Especially after being frustrated by the poor level of the competition. What you call being 'fanboys' is the reaction of those proud of their devices that they spent a lot of money on, and do not appreciate the trash talk from agitators. If you do follow these threads, you would know that any legitimate criticism and problems are discussed with more honesty than most other forums for any device.
It's a mixed bag, because people have different reactions and perspectives to even the same probs. And Apple is a provocative company for many reasons, including its business practices, good and bad.

As a customer, I buy what works best for me from whichever company happens to make it at a given time. That doesn't mean I expect any company or its products to be perfect.

I've had backlight bleeds, yellow tint and dead pixels with my iDevices, and I have gripes about iTunes, for instance, but on the whole I find that Apple makes better mobile devices than other companies currently do for my uses. I also find that 4G's drawbacks at current time make it not worth upgrading to the new iPad for me, and I find it reasonable to express such.

Lots of people are enthusiastic about Apple products, but I look at how people make their points, whether logic is consistent or whether emotion takes over. I find forums fascinating because you get to see how so many people think (or don't think, lol). I find that some people need others to validate their choices more than others, so they tend to be more defensive than others and tend to veer from logic quicker.
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i hated bandwagoners of apple when ipods came out . Because i couldnt get one and after moving towards android phones, i didnt see any stability or support. I turned into a fanboy because of people bashing on apple with their ignorance. I have most apple products all syncs properly. I also owned android previous to it making it an upgrade. Why I consider it an upgrade was the fact that apple products hold better resale value and promise better investment towards my money. Not only that, they have better quality, design, and battery.
5er driver said:
Hey Coach, I'm one of those who voices my opinion on Apple products here and on the iPhoneforums.net and often have to put on the flame suit.
But hey, I take it all with a grain of salt. I look at it this way......if you're going to stir up the bees' nest, prepare to get stung.
As with this opinion: I love Apple's exquisite hardware but hate their extremely user unfriendly and stupidly complicated software. Specifically iTunes.
Got your flame suit on? :)

Sent from my iPhone 4S or iPad 3rd gen, whichever I happened to have in my hands at the time, using iPF.net

Okay Coach, here is an example of being flamed (by someone who rarely participates in these kinds of threads--i.e., Apple versus the world).

5er driver your opinion of Apple's software is GARBAGE! I have an elderly uncle who had tried a Motorola Zoom, not only was it hard to move around, but it took a lot of effort for him to take a simple picture and email it to his relatives. I kept getting all these calls for help from him--I work for a really big blue technology company and he must think I am a technician! This kept going on for at least 10 days. Why did he get the Zoom? Because his buddy, a retired Android developer told him it was the best tablet for the price. Fortunately, Apple announced the new iPad, we returned the Zoom, got him the new iPad and my uncle has been happy ever since at least I think he is...I get a lot of emails from him with photos of him and his veteran buddies including the retired android developer, etc. I have yet to get a call asking me how he could do something with his iPad.

For my Uncle, Apple's software and hardware was the best for him. When I got the chance to work on my Uncle's Zoom, it was an interesting tablet--you can actually get under the hood and try some tweaks and changes to the OS. But I would certainly not coach my uncle to go down that path.
You'll always find stiff opposition when you criticise an Apple item in an Apple forum. Same goes for any other brand across the web.

Apple fans are as narrow minded (or product defensive) as much as any other. Same goes for Apple haters.
I expect and have no problem with people bringing up legitimate complaints about Apple or any other product for that matter. As much as I enjoy my iPad 2, I'm not blind enough to think its flawless. It isn't. No product is. My issue is when people just rant and ramble about essentially nothing just to get a rise out of others. That's when people get defensive and rightly so. There are some rabid fanboys here and on most other forums that do get a little silly sometimes. There are also people who appear to have nothing better to do than come in here and spew off about Apples policies or whatever. Neither type make the forum a better place.

Most folks here are level headed and are willing to discuss the good and bad. I'm one of them. :)
I've been lurking on this forum for a bit and I noticed whenever someone say anything against Apple or an Apple product everyone criticizes that person. Others aren't allowed to have an opinion unless it flows with the majority. That's narrow-minded thinking...typical fanboy thinking...

Welcome to our forums....... First thanks for your post what I find interesting you made one post and vanished. You asked a valid question and received responses but non from your self...... Seadog and I were amongst the lucky few whom joined this forum when it began now more than 2 years ago. Yes we have so called fanboys however in saying that it is no different from any other forum I have visited or moderated. I am very passionate about Apple products because over 25 years as a specialist reseller for Apple I had nothing but satisfied customers. Does this make me a fan boy ... No We welcome constructive criticism and you will find both negative responses and positive responses in the thousands of posts that have been made. Forums are about sharing , learning and understanding about products you own or are contemplating to purchase. The other factor is finding out about how to solve problems or get answers from other users.

As an administrator for 3 of our forums and a super moderator in 2 Droid forms. I personally believe we achieve that objective. I visit many other Apple forums and Android forums and frankly I am disgusted with the verbal abuse, negative attitude of so call forum trolls. So I suggest join in become part of our community and enjoy.........And forget about the issues that concern you....
Welcome to our forums....... First thanks for your post what I find interesting you made one post and vanished. You asked a valid question and received responses but non from your self...... Seadog and I were amongst the lucky few whom joined this forum when it began now more than 2 years ago. Yes we have so called fanboys however in saying that it is no different from any other forum I have visited or moderated. I am very passionate about Apple products because over 25 years as a specialist reseller for Apple I had nothing but satisfied customers. Does this make me a fan boy ... No We welcome constructive criticism and you will find both negative responses and positive responses in the thousands of posts that have been made. Forums are about sharing , learning and understanding about products you own or are contemplating to purchase. The other factor is finding out about how to solve problems or get answers from other users.

As an administrator for 3 of our forums and a super moderator in 2 Droid forms. I personally believe we achieve that objective. I visit many other Apple forums and Android forums and frankly I am disgusted with the verbal abuse, negative attitude of so call forum trolls. So I suggest join in become part of our community and enjoy.........And forget about the issues that concern you....

And here's the criticism...I made a post & went to bed and now because I haven't replied back in the middle of the night I'm being accused of leaving? My point proven. adroid forums they tell you to wait 48 hours before bumping/ reasking a question. I'm a member on several Android forums & I can say without a doubt the community is FAR more welcoming & friendly. I was here a few months ago when I first got my iPad 2 (I forgot my login so had to re-register.) and I never came back. I decided to come back to try to find some information I needed & began reading some threads...being an Android user as well as ipad I saw a few threads with other Android users...most of the replies were all about how much BETTER Apple is over Android! That is YOUR opinion and you should NOT be putting down other people's choices. Android is better in MANY ways...and Apple is better in many ways...everyone's needs are different. there is a reason why Android has past blackberries in sales & has almost caught up to Apple in a short time. So let's get your noses out of the air and look at both technologies as a needed & welcomed force in today's world!

I don't know how many Apple forums you've frequented but my strong impression is that this is easily the LEAST infected with rampant fanboy-ism. As others have noted, criticisms of Apple policies and products are likely to prompt rebuttals, but at least in my experience, most responses are thoughtful and polite. As an example, I'd direct your attention to discussions of the Kindle Fire when it was introduced several months ago. Compared to another Apple site I frequent, the reactions here were at least tolerant, open, and polite. And I found several regular contributors who, like me, had purchased the KFire and found a number of positive things to say about it.

I suspect that I'm among the least fanatical Apple supporters on this site. With the exception of an ancient iPod the iPad 2 is the only Apple product I own. (Android smartphone and four Windows PC's) And as much as I like the iPad I find a number of annoying restrictions and design features in the product. Have to say that I've always felt welcome here and I've found exchanges with other members, even when we disagree, to be informative, polite, and educational.
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