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My jailbroken ipad can ______? (fill blank)


iPF Noob
Apr 25, 2011
Reaction score
Thought this might be fun

I will throw some out to start

(Doesnt only have to be from jailbreaking features)

My jailbroken ipad can ....

- Turn into a bluetooth modem
- Be an multi gaming system emulator ie. Snes, n64 (that can be played on tv)
- control my computer from my couch
- replace a dvd player and dvd collection (store movies on hard drive and plug ipad into any television)
I love those topics :D :D :D :D :)
Moderators could make a statistics how many new similar threads are created each day :)
My Jailbroken iPad craps iRainbows in 24 delectable flavors.
My jailbroken iPad can be customised exactly how I like it (which changes almost daily) !
My Jailbroken iPad can beat up your Xoom, so there. It carries a gun and it has been to prison, so do not test it.
My ipad can not be jailbroken yet :(
My ipad can not be jailbroken yet :(


Reading your initial post on this thread and this one now..................

Sybil, is that you?

For those younger ones on the board that don't know who Sybil is/was, even if not jail broken, your iPad can find that for you.
After reading this thread, I don't see a reason to JB my iPad.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
My story: I don't even have an iPad :D

But still don't have it :)

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