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moving apps from one ipad to another


iPF Noob
Jun 1, 2010
Reaction score
Im pretty new at all this. I have an ipad and some apps , now want to go to the 3g ipad and I am concerned that I will lose the apps I have purchased already. what would the procedure be ? Thanks for your help.
They are associated with your iTunes account. So when you register your new 3G to the same account and hook it up to your iTunes, it will just download everything to your new device the same way you had it on your other device.

It's no different than say, you having an iPad and your spouse having an iPad on the same account like my wife and I. You can make individual settings for each (such as what syncs automatically if anything at all) but ultimately, anything you've gotten through iTunes is going to be in your iTunes account and available for your new iPad.
I did exactly what you want to do....went from wifi to 3G. Worked flawlessly! Didn't lose one app! No worries!
Thanks ! Now I can keep spending money :ipad-keyboard:

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