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Magic with the iPad!


iPF Noob
Oct 18, 2011
Reaction score
I hope I don't get an infraction for this.

A very good magician using an iPad for his tricks. It is in German and if you push the CC under the video (on Youtube rather than on here) you get English sub titles.

Hope you enjoy it.
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I just posted the same video a couple days ago and ya, the guy is good. LOL
I hope I don't get an infraction for this.

LOL . . . not sure you will be hunted and killed for posting a link. But I have seen links removed and other allowed. Apparently, some links are A-OK as long as they further the discussion. I do not post them because when they catch you, Knuckles, a loyal IPF thug (is that a politically correct term these days?) tracks you down and sends you to China to build iPads. I was sent there and I had to laminate iTunes Gift Cards and paint each one with Scratch-Off paint.

Be afraid, be V E R Y A F R A I D!
LOL . . . not sure you will be hunted and killed for posting a link. But I have seen links removed and other allowed. Apparently, some links are A-OK as long as they further the discussion. I do not post them because when they catch you, Knuckles, a loyal IPF thug (is that a politically correct term these days?) tracks you down and sends you to China to build iPads. I was sent there and I had to laminate iTunes Gift Cards and paint each one with Scratch-Off paint.

Be afraid, be V E R Y A F R A I D!
:D Hope that doesn't happen to me.
Bob Maxey said:
LOL . . . not sure you will be hunted and killed for posting a link. But I have seen links removed and other allowed. Apparently, some links are A-OK as long as they further the discussion. I do not post them because when they catch you, Knuckles, a loyal IPF thug (is that a politically correct term these days?) tracks you down and sends you to China to build iPads. I was sent there and I had to laminate iTunes Gift Cards and paint each one with Scratch-Off paint.

Be afraid, be V E R Y A F R A I D!

Something isn't right here, you should still be in China, I'll have a word with admin to have you re-shipped out in the hold of a cargo ship.

The Archangel
Something isn't right here, you should still be in China, I'll have a word with admin to have you re-shipped out in the hold of a cargo ship.

The Archangel

I slipped away in the dead of night. All I remember is I think I married a lovely Chinese woman and adopted her grandparents.

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